Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer, a film about the “father of the atom bomb,” is one of the summer’s most successful movies. With Oppenheimer, Nolan delivers the cinematic artistry we’ve come to expect from him. However, a strong theme throughout the movie is that Oppenheimer was a victim of delusional anti-communists who wrongfully believed he was a communist. In this episode, we dive deep to determine if Robert Oppenheimer was indeed a communist. We also discuss the accuracy of the claims of the anti-communists during the “Red Scare” era, and touch on the wrath The John Birch Society incurred for raising the alarm about communist influence in America.


Read “The Real Oppenheimer: the Conspiracy, the Treason, the Truth.”

Download the FREE e-booklet Birch’n: How The John Birch Society Keeps America Free.

Get your tickets to The John Birch Society’s Leadership Conference in Des Moines, Iowa, HERE.