UN Academic Impact Joins CFR to Infiltrate U.S. Classrooms

The United Nations is proud of the impact it is having on all levels of public and private education in the United States. On November 22, the UN News Centre [sic] issued the following announcement:

Created three years ago to actively support universally accepted principles in human rights, literacy, sustainability and conflict resolution, the United Nations initiative working with higher education institutions has marked its third anniversary by spotlighting efforts of students in the New York tri-state area making a difference locally and internationally.

According to the press release promoting its achievements, the UN’s influence extends from high school to higher education, providing curriculum “to make students representing religious minorities feel more comfortable and connected with peers, to balance of power and gender equality.”

The project is known as the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI).

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What is the ultimate goal of the globalists’ infiltration of the American classroom? The UN describes this initiative’s agenda to be the aligning of “institutions of higher education with the UN to actively support universally accepted principles in human rights, literacy, sustainability and conflict resolution, among others.”

Put another way — and judging from the list of speakers who addressed a recent conference hosted by the UNAI in partnership with the Council on Foreign Relations — the goal of the “global classroom” is the spreading of the UN doctrines of population control, Agenda 21 sustainability, and the abandonment of traditional religious morals. The November 1 event began a series of quarterly “talks” known as CFR@UNAI where CFR and UN dignitaries will address students, teachers, and others on topics of “current interest.” The first of these educational chats dealt with global health issues. One need only imagine that, given the identity of the speakers, the subject matter would include convincing impressionable schoolchildren of the need for greater population control, sustainability, and the reduction of human destruction of the planet.

One of the most potent weapon in the UN’s war on education is a popular program known as the Global Classrooms.

In concert with its overall educational agenda, the UN Global Classrooms is being marketed as a way to inculcate students with the “valuable insight into the growing influence of globalization.”

One prong of this pernicious attack on our sovereignty is known as the Model United Nations. As many parents will know, the Model United Nations is a program created by the UN to engage “middle school and high school students in an exploration of current world issues through interactive simulations and curricular materials. Global Classrooms cultivates literacy, life skills and the attitudes necessary for active citizenship.”

Global citizenship, not American citizenship. If the two collide, there is little doubt which allegiance the UN would prefer our young people to declare. In 2008, the Model U.N. project was promoted in a statement made by the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in Los Angeles:

You are here to step into the shoes of UN Ambassadors — to draft resolutions, to plot strategy, to negotiate with your allies as well as your adversaries. Your goal may be to resolve a conflict, to cope with a natural disaster or to bring nations together on an issue like climate change. You may be playing a role, but you are also preparing for life. You are acting as global citizens.

Again, the emphasis is not on being good citizens of their home countries; instead, it is to diminish that concept in favor of the creation of global citizens who will see participation in worldwide government as their primary responsibility, regardless of national sovereignty or principles of national law.

The United Nations is proud of the proliferation of the Global Classroom program. On its website, it crows about the growth it is enjoying around the world:

Over the past decade, Global Classrooms has worked in 24 major cities around the world, helping bridge the gap in the Model UN community between experienced programs and traditionally underserved public schools or schools new to Model UN. Global Classrooms is distinguished by its teacher and student resources that develop critical thinking, conflict resolution and communication skills for middle and high school students.

A detached observer of this plan could see in it the potential for harm to the United Nations itself. Should students truly be trained to think critically, resolve conflicts, and communicate effectively, would they not be liable to see through the United Nations’ propaganda and perhaps recognize the wisdom and virtue of our own Constitution and the writings of those who created our own government?

Naturally, the United Nations apparatchiks overseeing the Global Classroom/UN Academic Impact would be savvy to that possibility, as well, hence the emphasis placed on “global citizenship” and the prompting to use these skills to solve international crises.

Is it too farfetched to believe that these crises could include the resistance of the United States to the implementation of United Nations climate change resolutions? Or to the Arms Trade Treaty? Or to the Law of the Sea Treaty? Or to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities? Would the thousands of American students taught at the knee of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and his corps of classroom czars be willing to use their academic tools to dismantle the Constitution in favor of a more global-minded government? Will they come to share their overseers’ opinion that the U.S. Constitution is the ultimate impediment to a peaceful, sustainable, equitable planet?

With those thoughts in mind, the number of American educators and students participating in the UN Global Classroom project is worrisome. Currently, students in school districts in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Dallas, Tampa, Minneapolis, Miami, Boston, and Atlanta have active chapters of the United Nations Global Classroom operating in their schools. The participation of the school districts in Detroit and New Orleans was announced at a recent UN conference. The list of international partners is just as lengthy.

Of course, the resources needed to maintain these academic outposts of the United Nations don’t come cheap. The list of global corporate partners that support this project is impressive and not at all surprising to those familiar with the close connection between big business and the push toward one world government.

Among others, the following enterprises have “generously supported” the spread of United Nations doctrine and devotion in the classrooms of the United States:

Merrill Lynch/Bank of America Corporate Philanthropy;

Deutsche Bank;

Goldman Sachs Foundation;

The New York Times Company Foundation;


The John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation;

United Parcel Service (UPS); and

The United States State Department.

Last year at the annual United Nations Association Leadership Conference, Esther Brimmer, the Assistant Secretary of State at the Bureau of International Organization Affairs, praised the UN Global Classroom team for its “terrific work” in helping American children learn about the “positive story of the UN’s vital work worldwide.”

Don’t think for a minute that the powers that be at the United Nations don’t appreciate the ability of these young people to push the plan along.

Speaking at the Model UN/Global Classroom conference in New York, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon took the opportunity to educate students about “sustainability” and the other tenets of Agenda 21 that were presented at the Rio+20. He told the students: “Time is tight. In about four weeks, five days, 14 hours and 50 minutes, we will open the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. The truth is: I am disappointed with the negotiations. They are not moving fast enough.”

Finally, Ban Ki-moon gave the students his list of three things he would like to see accomplished at the Rio+20 meetings and how they could help:

1. Inspire new thinking: “the old economic model is breaking down” said Ban. He called for businesses to put an emphasis on a “triple bottom line” that includes social environment and economic instead of just profit.

2. Make Rio about people. Teach people that sustainable development “offers concrete hope for real improvements in daily lives.” He also called for a greater voice for women and young people saying that “women should be empowered as engines of economic dynamism and social development.”

3. Issue a “waste not” call to action: “Mother Earth has been kind to us. Let humanity reciprocate by respecting her natural boundaries,” said Ban as he called for better protection of our air, water and forests and the improvement of the quality of life in our cities.

The United Nations will not be deterred in its quest to convince our children of their responsibility to protect their “Mother Earth” from the evils of humanity. The priority now is to sound this anti-American screed in the ears of every American child while they sit captive in our country’s classrooms. As the website explains:

The popularity of U.N. classroom projects in U.S. has grown steadily at both the high school and middle schools levels. With the expansion of the Global Classrooms program over the last decade, and the UNAI, the UNA-USA brings the experience to an increasing number of public schools and their students.

The United Nations’ drive to train our children to be better “global citizens” — to bring Common Core to every classroom in the world — is accelerating and may soon come to a school district near you.


Joe A. Wolverton, II, J.D. is a correspondent for The New American and travels frequently nationwide speaking on topics of nullification, the NDAA, and the surveillance state.  He is the host of The New American Review radio show that is simulcast on YouTube every Monday. Follow him on Twitter @TNAJoeWolverton and he can be reached at jwolverton@thenewamerican.com