U.K. Mandates Registration of All Homeschool Children

From FreedomProject Media:

To ensure that all children are receiving mandatory indoctrination on homosexuality and gender confusion, authorities in the United Kingdom are now targeting homeschooling families for mandatory registration. It is all being done under the guise of protecting children from “dangerous influences” such as religious parents and unapproved ideas.

Under the controversial scheme announced by the U.K. Department of Education this week, parents and government councils will be responsible for ensuring that all homeschooled children are tracked and registered by the government — much like sex offenders and criminals. The plan also demands that authorities “provide support for parents who home educate their children.”

The targeting of homeschoolers was officially announced in public for the first time in early 2016. At that time, under the guise of fighting “extremism” and “radicalization,” U.K. authorities announced a broad crackdown on homeschool families, Christian Sunday schools, and the Islamic madrassas that have proliferated with the government’s mass-migration policies. One official worried religious parents might fill the minds of their children with “poison.”

Keep in mind, in the United Kingdom, the God-given right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion are no longer respected by the government. In fact, in recent years, authorities have stepped up arrests of Christian pastors, street preachers, and other voices that quote the Bible, point out the sinful nature of homosexual acts, or even refer to gender-confused individuals by their correct biological pronouns.


Image: Imgorthan via iStock / Getty Images Plus

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