Totalitarians Working to Crush Homeschooling in America

From FreedomProject Media:

Perhaps inspired by the murderous regimes of National Socialist Adolf Hitler and International Socialists such as Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong, American totalitarians are quietly working to subvert homeschooling and educational liberty in the United States. From state legislatures to the U.S. Supreme Court, parental rights and other fundamental liberties are directly in the cross-hairs.

In New York State, for example, in response to a fiendish drive by Big Pharma-funded politicians to enforce mandatory vaccinations, there has been a surge in parents choosing to homeschool. According to media reports, some areas have seen growth in home-education numbers of more than 50 percent in just one year, even more dramatic than the steady growth being seen elsewhere. Bureaucrats and politicians are outraged.

To deal with it, there is now a move involving the New York legislature and state education bureaucrats to “outlaw homeschooling,” explained New York Assemblyman David DiPietro during a meeting with citizens in Warsaw, adding that half a million residents may flee the state if the scheming continues. “Even if it is unconstitutional, legislators don’t care…. Corruption drips off the walls in Albany.”

Also in New York State, officials are persecuting Orthodox Jewish communities, even threatening to close down their schools — known as Yeshivas — if they do not teach what government mandates. Similar demands on Christian and other independent schools, especially if they take even a penny of government money, are coming soon, experts have warned. California is also on the front lines of the battle.

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