Teachers and Kids Terrorized by Out of Control Students

From FreedomProject Media:

American public schools — henceforth referred to as “government schools” as a consequence of decades of deleterious federal interventionism — have all but finalized their transition away from teaching basic literacy and academic achievement to pushing instead social indoctrination, behavior modification, and progressive ideological group think.

We already know this shift to social justice education — a critical component of the Common Core scheme — does not improve student performance or raise educational outcomes. Rather, social justice education promotes conformity, victimhood, and the tyranny of low expectations, all in the name of “equity.”

So, it comes as no surprise to anyone — other than the educrats who put the new system in place — that when government schools forgo genuine education for socio-political manipulation, the result is poorly educated and unaccountable kids who cannot be so neatly conformed to utopian progressive ideals. 

The latest proof of this phenomenon comes from Green Bay, Wisconsin, where middle school teacher Kerstin Westcott formally resigned her position during a heart-wrenching speech to the school board. Westcott, who has taught at Washington Middle School for more than ten years, detailed a long list of incidents that made her and fellow teachers feel endangered by their own students. According to Westcott, teachers and students at the school were groped, sexually harassed, threatened, bullied, and in some instances, even assaulted.

To read the rest of the article and also see a video showing part of middle school teacher Kerstin Westcott’s testimony to the Green Bay school board, click here.

Photo: Thinkstock