Student “Red Guards” Terrorizing Children About Gender in Maine Schools

Officially sanctioned bands of radicalized students dubbed “Civil Rights Teams” have been terrorizing fellow children who do not show total fealty to the “gender and sexuality” ideology being imposed by school officials, sparking outrage among parents. The scandal gained national attention when a concerned mother from one Maine school confronted the school board and garnered headlines.  

Earlier this month, parents in Windham, Maine, were expressing their opposition to pornography and intrusive sex surveys, including a book dealing with child rape, being foisted on children by Regional School Unit (RSU) 14. Mother Kristen Day, though, sounded the alarm about something potentially even more troubling: student ideological enforcers tasked with ensuring compliance. 

According to Day, two students involved in what was described as the school’s “Civil Rights Team” (CRT) were going around harassing and bullying children, including her daughter. The reason her daughter was targeted: She refused to openly discuss her sexuality at school, Day said. In fact, she added, the CRT operatives are specifically tasked with opening up “discussions” on sexuality as part of their goals.

“They insisted she was gay because she dressed gay and listened to gay music,” Day was quoted as saying about the abuse her 7th grade daughter was subjected to at the hands of CRT students. “She was then called homophobic because she wasn’t at least bi… She’s not political, but she does not want to talk about her sexuality in school.” 

Another troubling incident her daughter went through involved the distribution of “pronoun pins” to children so they could “label themselves” as a way of opening up discussions on sexuality and gender, Day said. “It took over every aspect of the school for three years,” the distraught mom continued, noting that discrimination and bullying resulting from the schemes are “dividing kids more than ever.”

“This literal programming for tolerance, acceptance, and equity is woven into curriculum, clubs, library content, and counselors programming,” continued Day, adding that lawyers were ensuring that policies were “loose enough” to enable it and that her daughter’s teacher talked about his penis in class. “When every aspect of school encourages the blurring of private boundaries, how can we be surprised?”   

Critics are comparing the student-led squads to Chairman Mao’s “Red Guards,” who were radicalized by government and then deployed to terrorize others into submission. “Using students to pressure other students into ‘group-think’ is right out of the Commie playbook,” explained Megan Fox at PJ Media, adding that even the state attorney general was complicit in this abuse.      

Other parents also scolded the school board about related matters — especially the grotesque, obscene, and pornographic materials being offered to students, including books with images of children having sex. One father at the meeting told the superintendent that if he put the types of books being given to children at the school into a church, he’d be “called a pedophile and arrested.” 

School officials, though, as they generally do, feigned ignorance. “In short, the focus of [Civil Rights] teams is on helping to create a safe school environment for all,” claimed Windham Superintendent Christopher Howell in response to the outraged parents. “We are not aware of the Civil Rights Team being involved in the situation you’re referring to.”

The bizarre incident involves the Windham Raymond School System in Maine, though it appears that these “Civil Rights Teams” are a feature at government schools all across the state. A brief online search by The Newman Report revealed that multiple schools, including Freeport High School in Freeport, Old Town Elementary School in Old Town, and many more have such teams.  

“The Civil Rights Team invites students to be part of a group that focuses on changing the culture and climate in our school to one that will actively prevent bias-based behaviors,” reads the description on Buckfield Junior-Senior High School’s website. “Students in this group are leaders in effecting change through projects and initiatives that feature student voice.”

The abuse of vulnerable children to terrorize fellow children and even adults into compliance with the evil dictates of tyrants and psychopaths is not a new phenomenon. In fact, for National Socialist (Nazi) leader Adolf Hitler and Communist Party boss Chairman Mao, both of whom murdered millions, the weaponization of children was an important tactic. All the adults responsible must be held accountable.

This article was originally published on and is reprinted here with permission.

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