Student Assaulted and Punished After Supporting Gun Rights

From FreedomProject Media:

When public school officials in Middleburgh, New York, called an assembly and used it to promote outrageous anti-Second Amendment propaganda demonizing American gun owners, at least one student objected. After the assembly, 17-year-old Christian Breault expressed his concerns about it to other students. In response, Breault was attacked by an indoctrinated anti-gun student who had become agitated from the propaganda pushed by the school. And when Breault defended himself from the bully, the same school officials who sought to indoctrinate the children with their agenda punished him for it.

Now, the student’s father wants the principal to step down. “The principal is the reason this happened,” Brian Breault told The Newman Report in a phone interview, saying the official’s decision was “very, very foolish.” “If she had not approved this video, and allowed this anti-gun agenda to be pushed on our children, and this young man would not have been agitated, then my son would not have suffered from defending the Second Amendment. Where is the accountability for this principal? I think she should step down.”

“Did she think of the board when she put her political views before everything else? Did she think about her faculty and the fact that they might not have the same views as her? Did she think about the children who don’t share her views? How about the taxpayers who pay her salary? How about the parents of the children?” asked the father. “If we have somebody like that at our schools across the country, willing to put their political beliefs above those of the children and their communities, that is a problem.”

In an e-mail to The Newman Report, Christian explained what happened. Instead of the promised assembly on “school safety,” the principal decided to show a propaganda video by far-left CNN, widely ridiculed as “fake news” by mainstream America and even President Trump. “When they showed us the anti-NRA/2nd Amendment video by CNN I was furious to see that an assembly that was meant to be emotional and in remembrance of those 17 victims turned into a far-left political assembly,” he said, wondering how and why it happened. The video, dubbed “We call BS,” has been widely criticized and ridiculed for being so dishonest and propagandistic.

To read the rest of the article and watch a related video, click here.

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