Six Baltimore Schools Can’t Produce a Single Student Proficient in English or Math

From FreedomProject Media:

Despite spending more per pupil than all but two large school districts in America, at least half a dozen government schools in Baltimore were unable to produce one single student who was proficient in either English or math last year.

The shocking results, uncovered by Project Baltimore, show a monumental tragedy unfolding in the city that represents a microcosm of the damage being inflicted on children across America. The proficiency tests put students in five categories, with four and five considered proficient, and one through three considered not proficient. 

The schools include Booker T. Washington Middle School, Frederick Douglass High School, Achievement Academy at Harbor City, New Era Academy, Excel Academy at Francis M. Wood High, and New Hope Academy. At Frederick Douglass High School, some 90 percent of students received the lowest possible score, with just one student coming anywhere near proficient.

Incredibly, some students are on track to graduate despite not scoring even proficient on radically dumbed-down exams linked to Common Core.

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