Schools to Interrogate Kids on “Adverse Childhood Experiences”

From FreedomProject Media:

Government and its public schools in particular are working to further expand the intrusive interrogations being performed on American children. Across America, hysteria about so-called “Adverse Childhood Experiences” (ACE), a relatively new buzz term, is being encouraged and exploited as a pretext to ask children highly sensitive questions about home and family life. But critics are sounding the alarm.

Already, as documented by The Newman Report, government schools are asking children about their sex life, their parents, their views, and much more. They are also tracking students’ “mental health.” Under the guise of “Social and Emotional Learning,” meanwhile, these schools are also working to manipulate children and change their values, beliefs, and attitudes, as the social engineers openly boast.

In Indiana, lawmakers are now pushing legislation that would conscript all government-school teachers into serving as inquisitors to determine whether students have faced some sort of undefined “trauma” in their lives. In other words, these government functionaries will be charged with prying into the personal and family lives of the captive children in their classrooms.

According to the legislation, teachers must be able to recognize “social, emotional, and behavioral reactions to trauma” of children in their care that may “interfere with a students’ academic functioning.” That means these educators should be receiving “training” and “strategies” to recognize “possible signs” of “trauma,” with the word trauma left undefined.

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