Public Schools Invest In Facial-Recognition Systems. But Who Has Access to the Data?

From FreedomProject Media:

Under the guise of “security,” government schools are squandering millions of taxpayer dollars to become even more like prisons. Aside from the high walls, the metal detectors and the statist ethos that permeates them already, “public” education officials across multiple states are now working to have facial-recognition cameras put in, too.

According to a report in Gizmodo, schools all over the country are now splurging on “security” gear that was once reserved for international airports and high-security prisons. Aside from the facial-recognition systems that could identify everybody who passes by, public schools are buying “object recognition” systems to detect weapons, and even license-plate tracking technology.

Apparently, the software and “machine-learning algorithms” that go with all the new gear will even be able to detect “behavior” that might pose a “safety threat.” “It is cutting edge,” boasted Technology Director Robert LiPuma with a New York school district about spending almost $4 million of a “state grant” on “high-tech security” for local schools. “We’re hoping to be a model.”

Of course, the left-wing media fretted about concerns about “race,” “fairness,” and “gender.” But outside of the kooky world of “social-justice warriors” where everything is somehow about race and class and gender, there are plenty of legitimate concerns about this kind of surveillance technology being deployed against children in schools.

To read the rest of the article, click here.

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