Principal Threatens to Punish Students … for Their Parents

From FreedomProject Media:

An elementary-school principal in Washington State threatened to punish young children if their parents did not show up to a school event or provide an excuse, according to media reports. While the official was eventually forced to walk back his bizarre threats, analysts and veteran teachers said the comments were a troubling indication of what is to come if citizens do not resist the trends.

The saga began when Principal Ralph Wisner of Thompson Elementary School in Bethel became angry that more parents did not attend his event for 3rd grade parents and teachers. In response to the poor attendance — less than 20 percent of the 3rd graders’ parents came — Wisner demanded that students provide written notes from their parents explaining their lack of attendance.

“In the note, please explain why you were not here and let me know that you will be at the Parent Night on Monday,” read a letter sent home with the children. “If your child comes to school tomorrow with no note, they will serve a double detention (recess and lunch). If they do not come on Monday with the note, they will again have a double detention (recess and lunch).”

“We are a team, and unfortunately, too many of you let down our kids, and your child tonight,” Wisner continued. “I do recognize that your child is being punished for you not coming to the parent night, but if we do not work together now and in the future, then your child will be the one who pays the price when they do not have the sklls [sic] required to graduate from high school or college.” 

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