Students, Profs Seek to Censure UVA President for Quoting Jefferson
A group of professors and students at the University of Virginia have published a letter criticizing the school's president for quoting Thomas Jefferson. ...
A group of professors and students at the University of Virginia have published a letter criticizing the school's president for quoting Thomas Jefferson. ...
Two Trump supporters at Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts, may be facing expulsion because they dared to celebrate Trump’s victory in the presence of Hillary Clinton supporters. ...
Activists have taken to the streets to protest the elected Republican candidate, Donald Trump, in exhibits that can only be described as temper tantrums, many of which have become violent. But...
A report from the California attorney general warns educational technology companies to take care in the data they derive from students. ...
With the public schools becoming increasingly hostile to conservative values and the Christian faith, more and more parents are choosing to homeschool. ...
Just one brief look at what’s happening with homeschooling is sufficient to challenge the belief that the "dumbing down" of America is complete. ...
A teacher in a Norman, Oklahoma, high school tells his philosophy class that all whites are racist. Such statements serve the cause of those who desire more government and less liberty....
Satanists are opposed to Christians even having an opportunity to teach the gospel to young children after school, so they demand "equal time" with Satan Clubs to counter Christian Good News...
The latest update to the Common Core education standards mandates that students may “answer mathematics problems by responding with whatever their feelings are telling them at the time.” ...
A recent report says that mispronouncing a name is a micro-aggression and a form of bigotry. ...
The opening shot in a widely anticipated establishment crackdown on educational freedom may have been fired last week. Speaking at a breakfast with reporters, Obama's controversial Education Secretary, pro-Common Core activist...
In a move that seems to have the potential to set up many students for failure, the University of Iowa has instituted a social justice degree program. The program was approved...
Many students on today’s college campuses are trigger-warning happy. And while this may occasionally concern guns, it just as likely may concern racism, sexism, classism, able-bodyism, the Constitution, white men or...
A concealed-carry gun law designed to make a whole college campus a safer space is being protested in a truly offensive way, with, as one newspaper puts it, students “fighting firearms...
A New Mexico academic official has admitted that high-school students were given babies’ brains to dissect at his institution. Since this is, reportedly, is a violation of the law, will he...