New York Times Attacks Critics of Government Schools

From FreedomProject Media:

The establishment’s leading propaganda mouthpiece, the New York Times, showed once again why so many Americans have been delighted to hear Donald Trump ridicule their constant stream of “fake news.” In a vicious and shockingly dishonest hit piece demonizing millions of great Americans, the dying uber-left newspaper attacked Americans who reject government schools as basically neo-Confederate theocrats who want to bring back slavery. 

The nutty writer, whose name and book we won’t mention to avoid giving her free publicity, noted that economist Milton Friedman and libertarians have long criticized the government-centered education paradigm. “But the attacks on ‘government schools’ have a much older, darker heritage,” she claimed. “They have their roots in American slavery, Jim Crow-era segregation, anti-Catholic sentiment and a particular form of Christian fundamentalism — and those roots are still visible today.”

Ironically, many of the fiercest and most prominent critics of government school today are black Americans such as Voddie Baucham, Jesse Lee Peterson, Thomas Sowell, and Walter Williams. But the Times has never been known for letting facts get in the way of its fringe agenda.

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