New Public School “Morality Test” Coming Soon

From FreedomProject Media:

A new globalism-promoting “morality” test to be used by government schools in the United Arab Emirates has education watchdogs sounding the alarm. The standardized assessment will center on so-called “social and emotional learning,” a new frontier in education that is meant to scientifically indoctrinate students with government-approved attitudes, values, and beliefs. Meet the Moral Education Standardized Assessment (MESA).

Pushing students to the “correct” beliefs and values is the goal. In fact, the test creators and the government make that clear, saying the effort is supposed to “develop responsible, cultured, engaged adults ready for the wider globalized world.” The so-called “global objective” of the scheme, they said, is to “develop student awareness of the shared human experience and make them messengers of the values they embody.”

ACT Chief Commercial Officer Suzana Delanghe could barely contain her glee. “We are thrilled to be supporting a holistic approach to student success,” she said. “We know that social and emotional learning skills are crucial to success in school and life and these skills can be taught and developed over time. With their learning and measurement expertise, our teams will create a world-class assessment that measures UAE student readiness, so teachers can more effectively foster the shared cultural values across UAE’s diverse communities.”

Director of the Education Affairs Office at the Crown Prince Court of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed Khalifa Al Nuaimi, also bragged. “Moral Education is an innovative, engaging curriculum designed to develop young people of all nationalities and ages in the UAE with universal principles and values that reflect the shared experiences of humanity,” he was quoted as saying in the official press release.

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