Minnesota Teacher Guidelines Require Leftist Sex, Anti-white Propaganda

If you’re not a hard-bitten leftist or outright communist who thinks girls can be boys, boys can be girls, that a man can marry a man, and that whites are evil, you’re not welcome to teach in Minnesota.

That message is in new state rules that govern the certification of teachers in the pedagogical pipeline. Teachers will spew propaganda from sex deviants and anti-white racial theorists, or, presumably, they won’t be teachers for long.

The Libs of Tik Tok Twitter feed routinely posts video of deviant teachers who explain that they dress like the opposite sex and groom children in other ways. Some openly say they brainwash kids into hating themselves.

But now, we learn, Minnesota, like other states, has gone a step farther and put the grooming plan on paper. 

“Teacher Understands”

The new rules that await approval oozed out of the fever swamps of leftist sexual and racial ideology.

They require teachers to “understand” that students are neither boy nor girl, and that learning is biased toward whites, that “privileged” whites run the world, and so on. Yet the language is sufficiently vague that parents might have a tough time demanding answers about it.

“The teacher understands multiple theories of identity formation and knows​ how to help students develop positive social identities based on their membership in multiple​ groups in society,” a line under “student learning” says:

The teacher fosters an environment that ensures student identities such as​ race/ethnicity, national origin, language, sex and gender, gender identity, sexual orientation,​ physical/developmental/emotional ability, socioeconomic class, and religious beliefs are​ historically and socially contextualized, affirmed, and incorporated into a learning​ environment where students are empowered to learn and contribute as their whole selves.

As well, a teacher helps students “process dehumanziing biases, discrimination, prejudices, and structural inequities,” which will not, presumably, include helping white students “process” the Great Replacement, being blamed for the world’s ills, and becoming a hated minority in the country their ancestors founded and built from nothing.

Teachers are also required to help students reach their goals by “by choosing​ anti-racist, culturally relevant, and responsive instructional strategies, accommodations,​ and resources to differentiate instruction for individuals and groups of learners.”

Here’s a mouthful:

The teacher features, highlights, and uses resources written and developed by​ traditionally marginalized voices that offer diverse perspectives on race, culture, language,​ gender, sexual identity, ability, religion, nationality, migrant/refugee status, socioeconomic​ status, housing status, and other identities traditionally silenced or omitted from curriculum.​

Race Hustling

Of course, the new guidelines emphasize the role teachers will play as anti-white, anti-Christian propagandists.

“The teacher understands multiple theories of race and ethnicity, including but​ not limited to racial formation, processes of racialization, and intersectionality,” the rules say:

B. The teacher understands the definitions of and difference between prejudice,​ discrimination, bias, and racism.​

C. The teacher understands how ethnocentrism, eurocentrism, deficit-based​ teaching, and white supremacy undermine pedagogical equity.​

D. The teacher understands that knowledge creation, ways of knowing, and​ teaching are social and cultural practices shaped by race and ethnicity, often resulting in​ racially disparate advantages and disadvantages.​

E. The teacher understands the histories and social struggles of historically defined​ racialized groups, including but not limited to Indigenous people, Black Americans, Latinx​ Americans, and Asian Americans.​

F. The teacher understands the cultural content, world view, concepts, and​ perspectives of Minnesota-based American Indian Tribal Nations and communities, including​ Indigenous histories and languages.​

G. The teacher understands the impact of the intersection of race and ethnicity​ with other forms of difference, including class, gender, sexuality, religion, national origin,​ immigration status, language, ability, and age.​

Upshot: Teachers will become boosters for homosexuality, “transgenders,” and crazy racist conspiracy theories.

Teachers Gone Mad

The rules are hardly surprising given, again, what Libs of TikTok routinely uncovers.

Teachers from pre-school through high school routinely confess that they groom children to become either homosexuals or “transgenders,” and often dare parents to complain.

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H/T: Powerline