Mass Shootings Spark Growing Interest in Homeschooling

From FreedomProject Media:

The perversion, lies, dumbing down, fake history, anti-God pseudo-science, and flagrant immorality promoted in government schools was apparently not enough to get parents to pay attention — but the consequences of that evil are waking people up in huge numbers. Amid an apparent wave of school shootings exploited by the press to attack gun rights, a growing number of parents are now exploring a much more sensible option: withdrawing their children entirely.

In fact, according to multiple news reports, it is clear that interest in homeschooling across America is surging in response to the perceived increase in shootings. On February 15, for example, the Miami Herald wrote an article under the headline: “In the wake of the Douglas High massacre, some parents ponder home schooling.” The article documents surging interest in home education among parents and explains how to legally remove children from school.

Similar headlines are appearing after each shooting. After a recent school shooting in Texas, more media outlets also began reporting on the trend. An ABC affiliate in Alabama, for instance, reported on the phenomenon under the headline: “Parents consider homeschooling kids after deadly school shootings.”

The Foundation for Economic Education picked up on the growing interest, too. And the writer, Kerry McDonald, ridiculed comments by a government-school teacher that leaving public schools is “running from reality.” “But that raises the question: Is compulsory mass schooling ‘reality’?” she asked. Of course not.

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