Mandated LGBT Indoctrination at School Begins in N.J.

From FreedomProject Media:

The state of New Jersey has joined California and Illinois in mandating homosexual and gender-confusion indoctrination at all government schools embedded into virtually every subject, sparking a growing outcry among parents and faith leaders. Now, some leaders are calling for an exodus from public schools.

In at least a dozen districts across the state, government schools began testing a “pilot” curriculum this month. It infuses LGBT propaganda into literally everything. In addition to normalizing homosexuality and transgenderism, many of the programs are aimed at peddling the idea of homosexual heroes to children under the guise of LGBT “history.”

According to news reports, schools in Hackensack, Morristown, Newark, Asbury Park and beyond are supposed to serve as “proving grounds” for “new lessons in history, economics and even grammar designed to improve awareness of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender contributions and issues,” as USA Today put it. Math and science are being targeted, too.

Legislators who sponsored the bill bragged that the LGBT propaganda will be “weaved across subjects” at every grade level. Because the indoctrination will be ubiquitous, there can be no opt out provision for children of parents who believe what virtually every society, culture, and religion have believed for virtually all of human history — that homosexual activity is wrong.

The whole scheme has its roots in a statute passed last year purporting to require that inmates in government schools be subjected to endless propaganda on the “political and economic contributions” of “LGBT people.” At the top of the list is Harvey Milk, a child rapist — some of whose victims committed suicide — who became America’s first openly homosexual elected official in 1977 with strong support from the cult of mass-murderer Jim Jones.

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