Illinois Lawmakers Seek To Engulf K-12 Students in “LGBT History”

From FreedomProject Media:

Lawmakers in Illinois, apparently unashamed as their state implodes into insolvency, are working on a bill that would fix … the supposed lack of enough homosexual and transgender history? Yes, really. It’s all part of making government indoctrination centers more “inclusive,” legislators and supporters of the scheme claim. Even kindergartners will be pounded with the propaganda.

Under the radical “Inclusive Curriculum” bill working its way through the legislature, all books used in government schools must tout the “role and contributions” of lesbians, “gays,” bisexuals, and “transgenders.” The legislation, SB 3249 in the Senate and HB 5596 in the House, follows the adoption of similar perversion mandates in California.

Also part of the bill is a demand that the “teaching of history of the United States in public schools shall include a study of the role and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the history of this country and this State.” And as occurred in California, to comply with the mandate, textbook publishers will be forced to falsely implicate historical figures in alleged homosexuality.

Finally, the bill purports to require “every public elementary school and high school to include in its curriculum a unit of instruction studying the significant role of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals in society.” Where none are available — after all, LGBT hero Harvey Milk has now been exposed as a child rapist — they will have to be invented.

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