Guilting: Kindergarteners Forced to Recite “Acknowledgements” That They Occupy Stolen Land
Photo: skynesher/E+/Getty Images

As with language, kids learn all things best when they’re young — and hate-America-first propaganda is no exception. Thus is the daily indoctrination of American schoolchildren troubling, and brought to light last night is a striking example of it: kindergarteners being forced daily to recite “land acknowledgements,” which are admissions that they live on stolen land.

The outrage occurred in Renton, Washington, and was recorded by a shocked mother during online learning. “The struggle sessions went on endlessly,” reported Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson Friday night. “One went on for 17 minutes — all for the benefit of the Duwamish tribe, who didn’t in the end, of course, benefit; they got nothing” (video below).

In other words, the teacher did not, shockingly, practice what she preached and donate her land to the Duwamish.

This story isn’t new. Carlson focused on it as part of a show largely about the indoctrination of America’s children. Yet it seems it never got much exposure and, since this type of “guilting” wasn’t invented by the offending teacher but is a wider phenomenon, it warrants some coverage.

Reporting on the story previously and providing more detail was The Dori Monson Show, which interviewed the mother, only identified as “Angela.” Among other things, Angela elaborated on what transpired during the 17-minute guilting session.

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First, the teacher “showed a video of another school doing land acknowledgment, like a poem,” the mother said. “And then she had the kids repeat that acknowledgement poem back. And then she decided that the students were going to write one for the Duwamish people. So they took the time to do that.”

The Dori Monson Show describes these writings to the Duwamish as “apology letters.”

Angela addressed the indoctrination with the school’s principal, saying, “You just told my kids that they’re living on something stolen and stealing is bad. I just was in shock, actually.” The principal stated that she’d “talk” to the teacher, whose name wasn’t provided.

Unfortunately, these land acknowledgements have become “a thing” among knee-jerk leftist ideologues. For example, Carlson also cited Representative Deb Haaland (D-N.M.), who said during a January event with Joe Biden, “Our country was built on indigenous land, and we pay tribute to the indigenous nations….”

Interesting statement. Question: What country wasn’t built on “indigenous” land? The term references an area’s earliest known inhabitants, and some group is always first. It’s also usually the case that such groups don’t end up controlling the land last.

Commentator Dinesh D’Souza addressed this matter well during a 2015 college event. Providing perspective, he asked, “How do you get to own a country? If you have Cain and Abel, and Abel is a shepherd and Cain is a farmer, and Cain says, ‘Okay, I’m now gonna’ put a fence around the whole world ‘cause I own it. Because I’m the only guy here; you’re a shepherd. And my descendants will now inherit the Earth, and anybody who shows up is a usurper.’”

“Rousseau said that the first guy who puts up a fence and says he owns something is a con man,” D’Souza continued.

He then provided a brief description (video below. Relevant portion begins at 1:24) of how various Indian tribes engaged in conquest and stole land from each other. His point is that history is very complex. Whom do you “give” the land back to?

This applies everywhere. Europe’s “indigenous” people are white, though, oddly, they’re never described as indigenous (it makes it easier, I suppose, to justify supplanting them via Third World migration). But what would it take to right land “wrongs” in Europe?

Note that the continent once also comprised numerous tribes, such as the Raetovari, Alans, Marcomanni, Agradingun, Otingis, Njars, and Peucini. You likely have never heard of them (my spell-check didn’t recognize even one!), and for good reason: They were conquered and/or subsumed by other groups. Why, the name “France” comes from the Franks, a Germanic tribe that came to dominate Gaul in the Middle Ages.

So should we perform genetic tests to determine who in Europe should have a given land area? Should we do the same in Africa, where Shaka Zulu’s conquests shook things up; China, where the “Chin” won the wars of unification; and everywhere else? And how can we give anything to those who were “here first” when they died millennia ago? It’s awfully complicated.

So the Left keeps it simple, arranging its redistributionist schemes based on a facile racial dichotomy. It’s whites=victimizers, everyone else=victims; whites=guilty, everyone else=oppressed; whites owe, and everyone else is owed. Leftists don’t bother trying to figure out who’s descended from dominant Indian tribes or what non-white individuals had slave-owning ancestors (e.g., Kamala Harris). They apply their “fairness” in a very unfair way.

And what do you call people who look at racial groups that have all engaged in the same behavior but apply a different, and quite onerous standard, to just one of them?

Figure out the answer and then recite that for 17 minutes, teach.