Gov DeSantis: Critical Race Theory Breeds HATE and Won’t be Taught in Florida Classrooms
Gov. Ron DeSantis (AP Images)
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

It’s bad enough denying children proper nutrition, but pumping them with poison is truly inexcusable. The same is true of what we feed their minds, and this is why Florida governor Ron DeSantis is prohibiting toxic critical race theory (CRT) from being taught in his state’s classrooms.

The Daily Mail summarizes the story, writing:

• Governor Ron DeSantis made the comments on Wednesday [at a news conference in Naples] when he proposed a $106million boost in funding for civics education in the state

• He said $17million would be for developing civics curricula with ‘foundational concepts’ — and not ‘unsanctioned narratives like critical race theory’

• ‘There is no room in our classrooms for critical race theory,’ DeSantis said

• ‘Teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money,’ he added

For those unacquainted with CRT, know that DeSantis is not exaggerating. Just consider a quite timely College Fix article titled “Critical race theory, ‘whiteness’ reach new absurd and inane heights,” which was published just yesterday.

In it, the site writes that its readers “have seen how ‘whiteness’ must be ‘demilitarized’ in order to make white people human (yes, human) again; where the University of Minnesota offered a 12-step ‘recovery plan’ for ‘whiteness’; an elementary school lesson on ‘whiteness’ which claimed sympathy with law enforcement is racist; and, a Trinity College professor and a speaker at Berea College who both equated ‘whiteness’ with terrorism.”

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The Fix then points out that a new book even impugns freedom itself, claiming that French and American intellectuals “conceived of liberty as an aspect and privilege of whiteness.”

The site also mentions University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign grad student Nathan Tanner, who “was highlighted for his research into how ‘whiteness’ hinders efforts to deal with racism in schools,” as the Fix relates it.

Of course, as the Federalist correctly pointed out in February, “When Progressives Say ‘Whiteness’ They Mean ‘White People.’” This said, while CRT’s anti-white nature is obvious, its unkindness to black people is just as severe — only more subtle.

“It used to be demeaning and even racist to suggest, for example, that black and other minority children cannot behave in class, nor do as well as white (and Asian, but that’s for another time) students academically,” the Fix also writes, addressing this matter. “But Tanner and others in the critical studies realm have done just that.”

“Take diversity consultant Glenn Singleton: He has said the label ‘intellectual’ and ‘task-oriented’ are associated with ‘white talk,’ while ‘color commentary’ is ‘personal’ and ‘emotional,’” the site continues. “He also has said blacks, as a people, are ‘loud.’”

It gets even worse, however. As occurred at Sandia National Laboratories, CRT social engineers may claim that “rugged individualism,” “a can-do attitude,” “hard work,” and “striving towards success” reflect “white male culture,” which leads to “lowered quality of life at work and home, reduced life expectancy, unproductive relationships, and high stress.” I guess slacker bums who can’t put food on the table (when they have a table) have no stress.

Critical race theory also holds that punctuality is a “white norm.”

Given this, consider what CRT race hustlers are actually doing: They’re accosting black youth who strive for excellence with the old “acting white” accusation — in the “respectable” guise of educational theory and with the endorsement of academic authorities. They’re telling these kids that virtues are, for them, vices.

Yet virtues aren’t “white” or black, Hispanic or Asian, male or female.

They are divine.

They’re also universals. All people need them to live happy, prosperous, moral lives — there are no exceptions.

Anyone counseling against virtue — as the race activists do — is the worst enemy a people could have. This is why Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson called BLM “worse than the Ku Klux Klan”: It’s doubtful that even the most clever white supremacist would think to, or could, convince blacks that virtue is vice.

This is also why Ron DeSantis, again proving why he’s perhaps our country’s best governor, didn’t shut down his state over COVID but is shutting down critical race theory (video below).

As the governor explained Wednesday, the Mail writes, civics “education should lessen the polarization currently in the US by giving everyone a common foundation of values.”

“‘No matter if your family came on the Mayflower or you became a naturalized citizen, these principles belong to you,’” the paper quotes DeSantis as saying.

Regarding his civics proposal, under it “teachers who get credentialed in teaching civics would get a $3,000 bonus,” the Mail also informs.

“Some $16.5million would be devoted to training teachers and principals in civics education,” the paper continues. “That training would come from civics ‘coaches’, in-person seminars and virtual learning.”

So long as we have government schools, it sure is a better use of taxpayer funds than pouring countless millions into critical race theory. As to this, know that just one CRT hustler, Howard Ross, “has allegedly ‘billed the feds more than $5 million for training since 2006’,” the Mail further relates.

Yeah, there’s big money in hating whites, demoralizing blacks, demeaning the West, and destroying America.