German Parents Fined for Not Sending Child to Mosque

From FreedomProject Media:

A German family is being fined by authorities for keeping their child home from school for a day to avoid having him go to an Islamic mosque, according to news reports from Germany. The case has been ongoing since last year, but the appeals court finally ruled against the parents this week.

According to the Hamburger Morgenpost newspaper in Northern Germany, the saga began in the summer of 2016. The parents, concerned about a school field trip to the Rendsburg Mosque, kept their son home from school for the day.

But in Germany, as in much of the Western world today, the state believes it knows better than the parents. And when there is a conflict between the views of the state and the parents, the state now feels entitled to use brute force to impose its will on the family.

In this case, authorities fined the family 50 euros to punish them. And the Schleswig-Holstein Higher Regional Court refused to grant their complaint against the district court verdict imposing the fine.

Of course, this family should consider itself fortunate. As The Newman Report  documented earlier this year, when the Wunderlich family violated Germany’s National Socialist-era homeschool ban, they faced a Nazi-style raid, complete with a battering ram and armed police, to kidnap their children. Incredibly, the ludicrously named European Court of “Human Rights” ruled that was fine.


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