Feds: Oregon Boys and Girls Must Shower Together at School

From FreedomProject Academy:

Little boys and little girls across the state of Oregon will now be forced to shower, change clothes, and even use the toilet in the same facilities as the opposite sex, unless a successful appeal is made. Due to an opinion disgorged by an unhinged federal judge put on the bench by Obama, all government schools across the state must now allow anyone claiming to be confused about their gender to use the facilities of their choice.

President Donald Trump already rescinded Obama’s illegal so-called “transgender” mandates. Still, relying on Obama’s bizarre “rationale” holding that Congress in 1972 supposedly meant to mandate boys in girls’ bathrooms in statutes against sex discrimination, the judge applied the reasoning to schools in Oregon. It was not clear what supposed constitutional authority the feds believe would authorize the intrusion to begin with.

The ruling almost sounded like a parody. For children to “see or be seen by someone of the opposite biological sex while either are undressing or performing bodily functions in a restroom, shower, or locker room does not give rise to a constitutional violation,” claimed radical U.S. District Judge Marco Hernandez.

The case involved a girl claiming to be confused about her gender and wanting to use male facilities in Oregon’s Dallas School District. Unsurprisingly, the Oregon Department of “Education” sided with forcing members of the opposite sex on each other. Opposing the lunacy were the groups Parents for Privacy, Parents Rights in Education, and a number of individual students and parents.

Non-confused students said they felt “embarrassment, humiliation, anxiety, intimidation, fear, apprehension and stress” at the prospect of showering or using the bathroom with members of the opposite sex. But for the Obama judge, that meant nothing, saying they have no “fundamental privacy right to not share school restrooms, lockers, and showers with transgender students.” (Apparently one only has a “right to privacy” in America today if the purpose is to slaughter unborn children.)

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