Families Losing Faith in Government Schools

From FreedomProject Media:

When two of the establishment’s leading propaganda organs run screeds attacking critics of government schools in as many months, you know something is going on. On the heels of a recent piece in the New York Times trying to smear public school critics comes a new piece in The Atlantic worrying that public support for government-controlled education is imploding. And it is.

The establishment is right to be concerned. Government education has been the most crucial weapon in furthering the agenda to “fundamentally transform” America, as Obama put it, away from a constitutional republic based on Judeo-Christian values toward a collectivist global society. But now, the American people are starting to wake up, as evidenced by the surging number of homeschool students. Whether it is too late remains to be seen.

The Atlantic article, written by Erika Christakis and appearing in the October 2017 issue, argues, correctly, that Americans are increasingly hostile to and disillusioned with government education. The headline offers a good summary of the piece: “Americans Have Given Up on Public Schools. That’s a Mistake.” The subhead reads: “The current debate over public education underestimates its value—and forgets its purpose.”

While there is some interesting insight in the article, unfortunately, it mostly tackles strawman arguments instead of addressing the real issues and the real reasons why Americans are rejecting government schools. For instance, never once does the piece address one of the chief concerns expressed by countless critics of government schools: the deliberate indoctrination and dumbing down of children.

To read the rest of the article, click here.

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