DeVos Signs on to Globalist UN Education Agenda for U.S.

From FreedomProject Media:

U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos signed on to a radical global “declaration” that calls for, among other absurdities, brainwashing children to believe in the United Nations-backed ideology of total government known as “sustainable development.” In fact, the pseudo-treaty inked by Trump’s education chief suggests that the purpose of schooling is to indoctrinate children with the right “values” and teach them to be obedient worker drones.

Under the un-American vision agreed to last week in Argentina, the governments purported to commit their nations to globalized brainwashing under the guise of “education.” To be clear, this is a dangerous policy document that, if implemented, will contribute to finalizing the destruction of traditional education in America and replacing it with a total indoctrination program aligned with the systems of some of the world’s most murderous autocracies. Americans should be outraged.

The declaration, produced at the first ever “Education Working Group” of the Group of 20 (G20) network of governments and dictatorships, was titled “‘Building consensus for fair and sustainable development.” How free nations can build “consensus” on “education” with murderous Islamist and Communist regimes that indoctrinate all children under their rule with evil ideologies of oppression was not made clear.

The whole education vision signed by the 20 governments and tyrants revolves around the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. This extremist document, which demands national and international wealth redistribution as well as brainwashing of all children, is basically a road-map to global totalitarianism. It was literally developed by mass-murdering dictatorships. But it has never ratified by the U.S. Senate, as required by the Constitution of treaties.

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Photo of U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos: Gage Skidmore