Demonic Netflix Cartoon Pushes Pedophilia, Sexualizes Kids

From FreedomProject Media:

A disgusting cartoon on Netflix, which critics have slammed as “animated kiddie porn,” features two obviously demonic characters teaching pre-pubscent children to engage in perverse sexual and homosexual activity of all kinds. The show, called Big Mouth, is filthier and more obscene than even the most seasoned observers of America’s rapid cultural and moral implosion could possibly imagine. It is pure evil.

Observers have estimated the age of the child characters in the show to be around 11 years old. More than a few critics and analysts have suggested that the purpose of the show is to normalize pedophilia, groom children for predators to abuse, and break down the final remaining moral taboos that still exist in American society. From the clips and images available on Twitter and in news reports, it is clear that this is evil, plain and simple.

Perhaps the most outrageous scenes highlighted so far involve the animated portrayal of young children’s genitals, over and over again. Critics suggested it was aimed at grooming children for predators to abuse while normalizing pedophilia. “Hollywood and the world elite are full of child (molesters) and they want to normalize their derangement,” wrote Anthony Khoury with the Vigilant Community.

As one commenter noted, the profanity and grotesque immorality and perversion make the show self-evidently unsuitable for children. On the other hand, the constant portrayal of young children’s genitals and similar imagery make it self-evidently unsuitable for adults. In short, it is unsuitable for anyone but the most depraved minds. The real goal appears to be to corrupt and sexualize more young children.

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