California Educators Defend Gross Porn at School

From FreedomProject Media:

Pornographic and obscene videos included in California’s “sex education” curricula for young children feature cartoon people having casual homosexual sex, encouraging children to watch pornography online as “perfectly normal,” bizarre discussions on genitalia size, and other highly controversial material.

When confronted on all this in a public meeting, however, education policymakers in the state defended the content and even claimed it was “age appropriate” for children ranging from 10 to 14. Video of the exchange was obtained by FreedomProject Media and has been posted on Youtube by concerned activists.

The material in question comes from a group called “Advocates for Youth” and its website,, which is backed by the International Planned Parenthood Federation and other extremist groups. Even a cursory review of the site reveals extreme propaganda promoting homosexuality, sexual orientation as a “spectrum” including “pansexuality,” radical gender confusion, fornication, and much more.

“So is a wonderful site with a wide range and variety of content,” said one of the panelists when asked about whether this was appropriate for children. “There are some of those videos that are selective that are age appropriate and compliant with the law that are included in the curricula as well, because they’re also involved in the curriculum.”

The speaker, apparently Jeffrey Gould with “Cardea Services,” one of the organizations working with government schools to indoctrinate and sexualize California children, quickly pointed out that not all the videos are mandated in the curriculum. Critics wondered, though, how any of those videos could be said to promote “health,” which was ostensibly the goal.

To read the rest of the article, and also to view a couple related videos, click here.