Buddhist Indoctrination Invades Public Schools Across America

From FreedomProject Media:

Buddhist indoctrination and meditation techniques are being forced on government-school children across America under the harmless-sounding term “mindfulness,” sparking a growing wave of opposition and legal challenges. Critics said imposing it in public education is not just wrong, but illegal as well. Children as young as 5 are being ordered to participate.

While the controversial program claims to be a “secularized” version of Buddhist practices that have traditionally been viewed as occult and dangerous by Christians, critics are nevertheless sounding the alarm. And despite claims of being “secular,” it does not take much digging beneath the surface to detect the obvious anti-Christian nature of the “mindfulness education” schemes.

In America, the ideas were pioneered by Jon Kabat-Zinn, who established a “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction” program at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in the late 1970s. Since then, “mindfulness” educators boast of reaching hundreds of thousands of American school children. Millions in taxpayer funding from local, state, and even federal governments have been spent on “mindfulness” education, too.

But the religious and spiritual overtones are hard to ignore. In a video on “Mindfulness in Education” by expert Amy Burke, the very first quote comes from an Indian guru and so-called “World Teacher” by the name of “Jiddu Krishnamurti,” from his book Education and the Significance of Life. The decision to quote this particular character guru offers significant insight into what this is all about.

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