Black Lives Matter Invades Schools Nationwide

From FreedomProject Media:

Across America this week, government schools and teachers are celebrating “Black Lives Matter Week” by indoctrinating innocent children into globalism, racialism, transgenderism, collectivism, and other dangerous ideologies. In short, the students are being brainwashed — and you are paying for it all.

The effort is being promoted by the subversive National Education Association, the hate group known as the Southern Poverty Law Center, and other radicalized groups far outside the mainstream. It claims to be about promoting “racial justice.” But in reality, it is about forcing a fringe political agenda on captive students, as its own resources make abundantly clear.

According to the website for the campaign, there are different themes for each day of the BLM school week. On Monday, the theme is “Restorative Justice” and “Loving Engagement.” Tuesday is “Diversity and Globalism.” Yes, globalism — the politically toxic ideology pushed by the establishment seeking global governance, an end to self-government, and more. On Wednesday, the themes include “Trans-Affirming, Queer Affirming and Collective Value.” What gender confusion has to do with skin pigmentation was not immediately clear. Thursday is dedicated to “Intergenerational, Black Families and Black Villages.” And finally, on Friday, it is all about “Black Women and Unapologetically Black.”

The effort also includes “demands” that schools re-shape their disciplinary policies, hire more black teachers, mandate “black history” and “ethnic studies” in the K-12 curriculum, and hire more counselors.

Blogger and mom Katy Faust, founder and director of the children’s advocacy group Them Before Us, wrote and published a brilliant letter to her child’s teacher asking about it. “Very few people, ourselves included, would disagree that black lives matter,” she wrote. “But when examining their website or following the official BLM movement it seems that this is, primarily, a political movement that falls along political lines with very clear political enemies.”

To read the rest of the article, click here.


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