Authorities Want School Data on Kids Who Commit Suicide, Without Parental Consent

From FreedomProject Media:

In an effort to perform a “psychological autopsy” to learn more about what went wrong, authorities in Utah are seeking to gather highly sensitive and private data from schools about children in the state who have committed suicide. To get it, health officials want an agreement with education officials.

Better understanding child suicide may sound like a noble effort. But critics of the proposal, as written, have a big problem with it: Right now, there is no requirement for parental consent prior to the release of records. It is part of a troubling nationwide pattern of government increasingly sidelining parents and trampling on parental rights, according to critics.

The measure, which first came before the Law and Licensing Committee of the Utah Board of Education on January 4, would create a data-sharing agreement between the education board and the Utah Department of Health. Under the deal, the Office of the Medical Examiner would be allowed to access all educational records for all children who have committed suicide, including personally identifiable information.

The purposes listed include: “to understand the social, psychological, and educational circumstances of individuals aged 10-18 who died by suicide in order to improve and develop better suicide prevention initiatives,” and “to conduct death investigations in order to reveal evidence that will aid in determining cause and manner of death.” There will also be a “multi-agency research study” aimed at improving suicide prevention.

That is certainly a worthwhile endeavor. In fact, as this writer and Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld documented in the book Crimes of the Educators, there appears to be a strong correlation between the “education” provided in government schools — including what is known as “death education,” as well as teaching children they came from slime — and the explosion in suicide among American youngsters.

To read the rest of the article, click here.

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