Americans Under 30 Prefer Socialism

From FreedomProject Media:

Willi Schlamm, an Austrian journalist who survived communist occupation, once quipped: “The trouble with socialism is socialism. The trouble with capitalism is capitalists.” This very astute observation was surely born of experience. Schlamm’s point was clear: Capitalism works, even though some capitalists may exploit the system. But socialism is a dangerous and unworkable idea that corrupts even the most idealistic of its practitioners.

New data is now showing a big shift in American attitudes toward socialism. A survey of U.S. adults conducted by the American Culture and Faith Institute suggests that 40 percent of Americans prefer socialism to capitalism and free markets. A Gallup poll (2016) also found that 55 percent of Americans younger than age 30 hold favorable views of socialism. It makes perfect sense that younger generations — who have not experienced full throttle socialism first hand, and who have yet to have a house or own a business — are taken in by the utopian fantasies of government school teachers and leftist academics.

I see the consequences of this miseducation of the youth in my own career as a university professor. Every semester I deal with students who have guzzled the intoxicating promises of Marxist rhetoric, but neglected the sober and nourishing milk of historical and economic reality.

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