After Common Core, Bill Gates Launches New Education Plan

From FreedomProject Media:

After helping to further centralize and dumb down government education with Common Core standards, billionaire globalist Bill Gates (shown) has another “education” plan to meddle in your child’s schooling. However, after admitting that his previous schemes did not work out as planned, Gates vowed to pour almost $2 billion into everything from “new curricula” to “networks of schools that work together … and use data to drive continuous improvement.”

In other words, intimate details of children’s lives and minds will continue to be vacuumed up while “new curricula” are used to further indoctrinate America’s youth. And as with Common Core, while Gates will play a key role in setting the direction of education policy through his so-called “philanthropy,” taxpayers will be expected to continue paying for almost all of the scheming.

Gates, a fanatical advocate of abortion and population control, makes clear that his support for Common Core, into which he dumped some $2 billion, is not going anywhere. “We backed the Common Core because we believed, and still believe, that all students — no matter where they go to school — should graduate with the skills and knowledge to succeed after high school,” he said, offering standard talking points.

“It’s exciting to see how the standards are being brought to life in schools and classrooms. But more needs to be done to fully realize their potential,” he continued in his keynote speech at the 2017 summit for the Council of the Great City Schools. “Teachers need better curricula and professional development aligned with the Common Core.”

To read the rest of the article, click here.

Photo of Bill Gates: AP Images