“A” Grades Surge as SAT Scores Plunge

From FreedomProject Media:

All of the objective evidence shows that American students are getting dumber and more ignorant, including steadily plunging SAT scores on tests that have to be continually “re-centered” to conceal the dumbing down. But amid this crisis, the number of A’s being handed out to students continues to grow, with an A being the most common grade today.

According to recently reported findings by two researchers in the field, the number of graduating seniors who have an A average has skyrocketed from less than 39 percent two decades ago to almost half last year. During that period, the average grade point average (GPA) rose from 3.27 to 3.38. At the same time, though, average SAT scores plummeted from 1,026 to 1,002 out of a maximum possible 1,600.

The handing out of higher and higher grades to dumber and dumber students has had the perverse effect of helping high-school graduation rates reach record highs. Last year, federal data cited by USA Today, which first reported the story, showed that more than 83 percent of students graduated. This year should be similar.

The same phenomenon is taking place at colleges and universities, where A is now the most common grade — and where three times more A’s are being handed out than 50 years ago, back when students were actually expected to learn something of value.

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