Divorce Papers Finger Rep. Omar in Affair, Possible Campaign Finance Violation

Representative Ilhan Omar is accused of committing adultery with a political consultant whose company received thousands of dollars in “travel” reimbursements, which would violate federal campaign spending law if they were a ruse to pay for the pair’s trysts.

The consultant is one Tim Mynett, whose wife, Beth, alleges that his frequent travel for Omar has been a big con job to hide an affair.

This latest revelation about Omar, first reported in the New York Post, adds to her other troubles. She faces an ethics complaint that alleges she married her brother to commit immigration fraud. Because of the affair, she also faces a complaint to the Federal Election Commission.

Divorce Claims
Beth Mynett’s divorce complaint fingers Omar as a culprit in the killing of Mynett’s marriage.

An attractive redhead and chief of the medical department in the city’s Department of Corrections, Mynett says her marriage ended when she and her husband “physically separated on or about April 7, 2019 when Defendant told Plaintiff that he was romantically involved with and in love with Omar.”

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Yet Beth Mynett wasn’t ready to thrown in the towel because her husband had an affair: “Although devastated by the betrayal and deceit that preceded his abrupt declaration, Plaintiff told Defendant that she loved him and was willing to fight for the marriage.”

But “that was not an option for him,” the complaint says, and so in April, Tim Mynett abandoned his wife and 13-year-old son to keep company with the beturbaned congresswoman.

Beth Mynett seeks custody of the boy, one reason being that Tim Mynett doesn’t have much time for him now that he has a new life with Omar. Indeed, Beth wonders, again, whether all that “work” travel was less about “work” than canoodling with Omar.

Says the complaint:

Defendants involvement with the minor child has been sporadic due to his extensive travel and long work hours (on reflection, Defendant’s more recent travel and long work hours now appear to be more related to his affair with Rep. Omar than with his actual work commitments, averaging 12 days per month away from home over the past year).

Tim Mynett, the complaint alleges, introduced the son to Omar “at the family’s favorite neighborhood restaurant while Plaintiff was out of town. Rep. Omar gave the parties’ son a gift and the Defendant later brought her back inside the family’s home.”

As well, the complaint alleges, “defendant’s lack of judgment is troubling” because he took the boy out in public with Omar, “who at that time had garnered a plethora of media attention along with death threats, one rising to the level of arresting the known would be assassin that same week.”

FEC Complaint
While Omar denies the affair, her troubles over it are likely just beginning.

The National Legal and Policy Center filed a complaint with the FEC yesterday that says the campaign’s reimbursements for travel expenses don’t appear connected to real work.

NLPC’s complaint alleges that Omar’s campaign committee, Ilhan for Congress, sent $222,838.38 to Mynett’s E Street Group, LLC between August 9, 2018 and June 30, 2019, while $7,000 went to Mynett himself on July 11, 2018. “Among these disbursements, Ilhan for Congress reported eight disbursements to E Street Group LLC totaling $21,546.94 for travel expenses. None of the eight disbursements for travel expenses was itemized.”

While Mynett’s business relationship with the campaign began in July 2018 with the $7,000 payment “directly to Mynett,” the big travel payments “did not commence until April 2019, the same month that Dr. Mynett alleges in her filing that her husband told her of the affair and made a ‘shocking declaration of love’ for Rep. Omar.”

Thus, NLPC concluded, it seems Tim Mynett’s travel “may have been unrelated or only partially related to Omar’s campaign,” and if the campaign “reimbursed Mynett’s LLC for travel so that Rep. Omar would have the benefit of Mynett’s romantic companionship, the expenditures must be considered personal in nature” — and, NLPC argues, against the law.

Other Troubles
Yet these latest marital monkeyshines aren’t Omar’s first, as a complaint before the ethics office of Congress notes.

Citing credible investigative reports from conservatives, Judicial Watch alleges that Omar married her brother to commit immigration fraud. Omar, of course, denies doing so.

As for the current matter, adultery is still a crime in Minnesota and carries a one-year jail sentence and/or a fine of up to $3,000. Authorities in Minnesota won’t enforce that law, of course

By the rules that govern Omar’s Islamic faith, called sharia, adultery is a stoning offense, Jihad Watch’s Robert Spencer notes. Islamic fanatics in Omar’s home country have stoned to death at least two people accused of adultery, the last in 2014.

Update: The original article said that the National Center for Law & Policy filed a complaint with the FEC. It should have said the National Legal and Policy Center.

Image of Ilhan Omar: Screenshot of a video by CBS Minnesota WCCO 4