Democrats Keep Lying to Derail Kavanaugh

Pro-abortion Democrats hunted and hunted this week for anything Judge Brett Kavanaugh has said or might say against Roe v. Wade, the decision that legalized abortion on demand in all 50 states in 1973.

So desperate are the Democrats that manufacturing lies is their main strategy to derail Kavanaugh’s confirmation. As The New American reported earlier today, Senators Kamala Harris of California and Cory Booker manufactured lies to harm the judge with the implication that he is a racist or unethical.

Now it’s Senator Elizabeth Warren, some of her colleagues, and their spear carriers in the abortion industry.

No “Bombshell”
Earlier this week, an e-mail mentioning Roe v. Wade was unearthed from Kavanaugh’s time in the Bush administration, with the intent to harm him.

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As the New York Times clearly explained, “Kavanaugh was considering a draft opinion piece that supporters of one of Mr. Bush’s conservative appeals court nominees hoped they could persuade anti-abortion women to submit under their names.”

The draft opinion stated that “it is widely accepted by legal scholars across the board that Roe v. Wade and its progeny are the settled law of the land.”

Judge Kavanaugh proposed deleting that line, writing: “I am not sure that all legal scholars refer to Roe as the settled law of the land at the Supreme Court level since Court can always overrule its precedent, and three current Justices on the Court would do so.”

This, we were told, was awful, because it contradicted what the judge told pro-abortion Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine: that Roe was “settled law.”

It was a “bombshell” meant to derail his confirmation. But it wasn’t so, as even the neoconservative Weekly Standard’s John McCormack observed:

Attorney George Conway, a Republican and staunch critic of President Trump, had a pithy response: “Kavanaugh was expressing an *uncertain* view (‘not sure’) about what *other people* (‘all legal scholars’) were saying. Yawn.” As Charlie Savage, author of the New York Times scoop, acknowledges: “Still, his email stops short of saying whether he personally believed that the abortion rights precedent should be considered a settled legal issue.”

Even the Times, McCormack noted, admitted nothing was there. As Kavanaugh himself testified, when answering California Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein, he was discussing what other legal scholars thought:

It was referring to the views of legal scholars, and I think my comment in the email is that might be overstating the position of the legal scholars, so it wasn’t a technically accurate description in the letter of what legal scholars thought. At that time, I believe Chief Justice Rehnquist and Justice Scalia were still on the court. But the broader point is that it was simply overstating something about legal scholars, and I’m always concerned with accuracy. And I thought that was not a quite accurate description of all legal scholars because it referred to all.

Another day, another lie.

Kavanaugh Did Not Say Contraceptives Are “Abortion-inducing”
Another abortion conniption occurred when Kavanaugh answered a question about his dissent in Priests for Life v. United States Department of Health and Human Services, one of the cases involving ObamaCare’s mandate that religious groups provide contraceptive and abortion coverage.

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas asked him to explain, and Kavanaugh testified that ObamaCare required the group fill out a form that Priests for Life believed “would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were as a religious matter objected to.”

Immediately, the hysteria began, with pro-aborts claiming that Kavanaugh called “birth control ‘abortion-inducing drugs.’”

Tweeted Warren, “Newsflash, Brett Kavanaugh: Contraception is NOT abortion. Anyone who says so is peddling extremist ideology — not science — and has no business sitting on the Supreme Court.”

NARAL tweeted, “Kavanaugh just referred to birth control as ‘abortion-inducing drugs,’ which is not only an anti-science lie, it’s an anti-choice extremist phrase that shows that our right to access both abortion and contraception would be in SERIOUS danger if he is confirmed.”

A Planned Parenthood factotum offered this: “#Kavanaugh just called birth control ‘abortion-inducing drugs.’”

No he didn’t. As with the memo, he explained what Priests for Life argued, and anyway, a man of Kavanaugh’s intelligence does not believe all “birth control” involves “abortion-inducing drugs.”

Kavanaugh merely summarized his dissent, which includes this line:

[Priests for Life] complain that submitting the required form contravenes their religious beliefs because doing so, in their view, makes them complicit in providing coverage for contraceptives, including some that they believe operate as abortifacients. They say that the significant monetary penalty for failure to submit the form constitutes a substantial burden on their exercise of religion.

Kavanaugh does not believe what Warren, her pro-abortion sisterhood and the media claimed. Perhaps Warren has no business sitting in the Senate if she can’t, or won’t, tell the truth.

Another day, another lie.
