Lia Thomas
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

“There’s not a single thing a man can do that a woman can’t do as well or better — not a single thing” is what Joe Biden claimed he told his daughters. Biden made the comment just this past March, but, hey, he’s the guy who last year also said we should keep the “record player” on at night for our digital-age kids. So perhaps he hasn’t gotten the memo:

The “I am woman, hear me roar!” tactic is passé and has been traded for the damsel in distress.

Also perhaps not getting the memo is the now notorious MUSS (“Made-up Sexual Status” or “transgender”) University of Pennsylvania swimmer “Lia” Thomas (real given name “Will”), who has been shattering women’s records along with their dreams. In fact, he apparently is so proud about beating the girls — who he, if he was like so many other boys, was told for decades can do anything “as well or better” — that he boasted about burying them in the pool.

“That was so easy, I was cruising,” Thomas reportedly said after a 200 freestyle event.

What’s more, after expressing disappointment with one of his times, he said, “At least I’m still No. 1 in the country,” according to a source who spoke to OutKick. As the site wrote last Friday:

Even after a Wednesday team meeting where a source says Penn administration “strongly advised” its swimmers to avoid talking to the media about the situation surrounding transgender Penn swimmer Lia Thomas, a second female Penn swimmer has stepped forward to speak out via an exclusive interview with OutKick.

The second female Penn swimmer to speak out, who was granted anonymity due to what is viewed as threats from the university, activists, and the political climate, wants people to know that Penn swimmers are “angry” over the lack of fairness in the sport as Lia Thomas destroys the record books and brings fellow teammates to tears.

The second Penn swimmer to come forward was at the University of Akron Zippy Invitational where she watched Lia Thomas beat fellow teammate Anna Kalandadze by 38 seconds in the 1650 freestyle. OutKick’s source described Penn swimmers on the Akron pool deck as upset and crying, knowing they were going to be demolished by Thomas.

“They feel so discouraged because no matter how much work they put in it, they’re going to lose. Usually, they can get behind the blocks and know they out-trained all their competitors and they’re going to win and give it all they’ve got,” the source said.

The source then related Thomas’s “cruising” and “being number one” boasts and responded, “Well, obviously she’s [sic] No. 1 in the country because she’s [sic] at a clear physical advantage after having gone through male puberty and getting to train with testosterone for years.”

“Of course you’re No. 1 in the country when you’re beating a bunch of females,” the source continued. “That’s not something to brag about.”

“Last Friday, Thomas set a new 500 freestyle Ivy League record and the next day crushed the female record in the 200 freestyle, setting an all-time record that will likely be hard for natural-born female swimmers to beat,” Breitbart added Monday. In the below tweet, UPenn swimming boasts about Thomas’s exploits.

This prompted the following response from champion marathoner Mara Yamauchi.

Assuming Yamauchi is correct in her first point, consider the irony: The UPenn female swimmers are told to seek psychological help to deal with normal feelings about what many call being treated unfairly, in deference to someone who actually does have a severe psychological problem.

I wrote “what many call being treated unfairly” because it’s actually a consequence of feminist-espoused Equality Dogma. Do remember that for decades boys’ sports teams were forced to accept girls based not on the idea that “boys are better at athletics, so it’s no big deal,” but on an equality argument. Feminists and their enablers rejected the former appeal because it contradicted their agenda, which once held that there was no reason to exclude women from traditionally masculine arenas (e.g., police, fire departments, military) because females and males were equal in physical capacity.

And if the “Sexes are equal and should be treated equally” proposition is valid, it means not just that females can be on males’ teams but also that males can be on females’ teams. In fact, the implication really is that there should be no sexual distinction in sports whatsoever.

Ergo, where we are today. Thus is the peril of breathing life into a lie and thinking you can use it selectively, only when convenient. As with Truth, lies are open-source software.

So now we’re at a point where the MUSS lobby can “promote the laughable fiction that male athletes just work harder than natural-born female athletes and the people complaining are simply less competitive slackers,” writes commentator Monica Showalter. For if everyone is innately “equal,” this must be true.

As for Biden, his answer to the claim that female swimmers can’t compete with the guys might just be “C’mon, man!” — and he wouldn’t be alluding to Thomas’s actual sex, either.