Last week, a UN-certified “expert” on sexual perversions put together a report that calls on governments to threaten and punish religious leaders and organizations that don’t go along with LGBTQ orthodoxy. The report also calls on governments to destabilize religions from within by supporting pro-LGBTQ factions within religious denominations. 

In other stories, last week the House Ways and Means Committee revealed in a hearing a damming WhatsApp message Hunter Biden sent to a Chinese national. In the message, it seemed that Hunter used his father’s power as a threat against the Chinese official; Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is adding a controversial and incompetent union boss to his agency’s Academic Partnership Council; a recent report reveals that those in the upper echelons of America’s federal health apparatus knew that Covid “vaccines” didn’t prevent transmission; and a mutiny in Russia over the weekend raises questions about its authenticity.  

In the second half of the show, Gary Benoit and Selwyn Duke discuss the supposed wall of separation between church and state; and then Gary interviews Steve Bonta about an article he wrote in which he explores the possibility that Hunter Biden’s plea deal is meant to distract and hide more serious crimes.