The New American magazine has just produced a special report about the future of technology, including AI. What will that future look like? Will it be a dystopian nightmare or something far more positive, where technological progress continues to enrich and bless our lives? In this episode of Beyond the Cover , three of the contributors to TNA’s “Future of Tech” Special Report — chemical engineer Jeff Lindsay, TNA publisher Dennis Behreandt, and TNA executive senior editor Steve Bonta — joined host Gary Benoit for a lively discussion that shed much-needed light on these questions and more. Among the points made are that technology is a double-edged sword that can be used for good or bad, and that all of us can help shape the future for better or for worse by what we do or do not do today.

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To order TNA’s “Future of Tech” Special Report, visit https://shopjbs.org/product/tna3911/