Survey: 39 Percent of 18- to 24-Year-old Americans Identify as LGBTQ

A new survey, conducted by Arizona Christian University in connection with Foundations of Freedom, has found that 39 percent of Americans aged 18-24 refer to themselves as LGBTQ. The wide-ranging study included people aged 18-37 years of age and was done in an effort to provide fresh insight on the generation.

Among Americans aged 25-37, a still staggering 25 percent of those polled claimed that they identified as LGBTQ. Overall, 30 percent of the young people surveyed, which the study authors call “Millennials,” claimed LGBTQ status.

Conducted in August, the new study defines “Millennials” as people born between 1984-2003, even though most consider the term “Millennials” to include persons born between 1981 and 1996, and those born 1997 and 2012 as “Generation Z.”

“The generation is redefining sexuality — their own and how to perceive and respond to the gender identity and sexual-orientation choices of others,” the study claims. “With that have come new ideas and choices regarding marriage and family. Consequently, a social institution that used to be a safe harbor has now become a battleground.”

There was a significant gender split in the poll, with 36 percent of females identifying as LGBTQ as opposed to 23 percent of males.

“The proportion of young adults who identify as LGBTQ is roughly three times the proportion identified among the combined older adults of the nation,” the study reports. “Given the moral and political implications of such an identity, that self-characterization alone raises a range of emotional challenges.”

It also raises the possibility that long-term social engineering — in the form suggesting that aberrant sexual preferences are simply how you’re born as opposed to lifestyle choices — directed at America’s youth is beginning to bear fruit.

“The fact that a whopping 39 percent of 18-24 year olds now identify as LGBTQ, whether they follow through on that identification or not, illustrates the massive impact that establishment media and cultural institution exposure given to LGBTQ issues has had,” wrote cultural commentator Paul Joseph Watson.

“It would really be quite a stretch to claim that these young people are born that way and not made that way by relentless social engineering and brainwashing at the cultural and academic level,” Watson concluded.

It’s well known that in current American society, the LGBTQ message is literally everywhere. And much, if not most, of it is targeted at young people.

Consider a recent Halloween ad for Twix candy bars that features a young boy wearing what he calls a “princess dress.” The child is not dressed for Halloween, but is wearing the outfit because as he says in the ad, “Dressing like this makes me feel good.” The young boy is then accosted by a bully who calls him “weird,” and further taunts the child. The bully is then dispatched by the dress-wearing boy’s witch nanny.

Yet another recent Halloween ad for Doritos features an animated family visiting the grave of a lost relative. For even more intersectionality points, the cartoon family is Hispanic. The ghost of the relative appears, and then is joined by his gay ghost partner. The ghost’s old sister begins clapping and says, “What a miracle! I thought he’d be alone forever!”

Happy Halloween! Whatever happened to Dracula, Frankenstein, and the Mummy?

Ads such as this, clearly targeted at children, have nothing to do with tolerance and acceptance. They’re all about promotion and encouragement of the LGBTQ lifestyle. And this poll shows that, unfortunately, it seems to be working.

A previous Gallup Poll released in February showed that a full 5.6 percent of American adults now identify as LGBTQ; an increase from 4.5 percent in 2017. Today’s youth are largely driving that increase as they continue to be bombarded with LGBTQ friendly education, entertainment and advertising.

This increase in aberrant sexual behavior is clearly being driven by young people who have been indoctrinated in school and in culture not only to accept the LGBTQ lifestyle, but to embrace it, along with all the physical and psychological problems that come along with it.

Meanwhile, China is banning “sissy boys.”