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San Francisco
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If sane San Franciscans thought the Guaranteed Income For Transgender People was a laugh, they’ll really get a belly laugh at the application for the program, which includes more than 100 “genders.”

It’s tranny madness on steroids, a cornucopia of craziness. But it’s also San Francisco, which gave birth to the late Sister Boom Boom, who founded the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a coven of weirdos and drag queens who protested what they called “sexual intolerance.”

That the group was even permitted to protest suggests that “intolerance” wasn’t the City by the Bay’s problem. That aside, the once-wonderful city will dish out big checks to lazy “transgenders” more interested in cross-dressing than working.

Free Money

The latest from the left coast riffs off free-money programs for artists and “pregnant people in the Black and Pacific Islander communities.”

That’s right: “pregnant people.” 

The GIFT program, as it’s called, will provide 55 lucky “transgenders” $1,200 a month. The city will accept applications until December 15.

“Even with our rich history of trans advocacy,” explained Pau Crego, who heads the city’s Office of Transgender Initiatives, “we see that trans San Franciscans experience poverty at exponentially higher rates compared to the general population”:

This is especially the case for trans people of color, disabled trans people, trans elders, and other trans communities deeply impacted by discrimination and barriers to education, employment, and economic mobility.

Maybe if “trans Franciscans” spent more time working than worrying about their “gender,” they wouldn’t need $1,200 a month from taxpayers, which happens to include thousands of normal Christians who think the program is nuts.

The outfit that will run the program, Lyon Martin Community Health, reminds applicants that they “may use the funds to pay for anything. The only additional requirement to stay enrolled in the program is the completion of a survey every 3 months.”

One can only imagine how the “transgenders” will spend the money. One wouldn’t imagine that food and shelter are high on the list of priorities.

While California does not require a photo ID to vote, applicants will have to provide one, along with a W-2, pay stubs, bank statements, and proof of residence, among other documents, the GIFT website says.

Fruit Salad

As for the application, it asks “transgender” applicants to check all the pronouns that apply to him, her, or it:

  •  She/her/hers
  •  He/him/his
  •  They/them/theirs
  •  It/its/its
  •  Co/co/cos
  •  Zie/zim/zis
  •  Ze/hir/hirs
  •  Xe/xem/xyrs
  •  Ey/em/eirs
  •  E/em/eirs
  •  Per/per/pers
  •  Fae/faer/faers
  •  Ae/aer/aers
  •  Tey/ter/ters
  •  Ve/ver/vis
  •  No pronouns/just name

After that list of nonsense terms, the application wants potential recipients to identify their “gender,” and offers 130 options, including:

  • Genderqueer
  • Agender
  • Xenogender
  • Fem
  • Femme
  • Butch
  • Boi
  • Stud
  • Tomboy
  • Gender outlaw
  • Gender non-conforming
  • Gender variant
  • Gender fluid
  • Genderf**k
  • Bi-gender
  • Multi-gender
  • Pangender 

The list also includes ethnic variants, such as Kathoey (Thai), Two Spirit (American Indian), Tida Wena (Venezuelan), and Whakawahine (Maori).

Another amusing term from the American Indian, specially, the Blackfoot, is Ninauposkitzipxpe. It means “manly hearted woman.”

What Chief Crowfoot would think of “manly hearted women” we are not given to know, although it’s safe to say he probably wouldn’t want high-testosterone squaws lolling around the teepee. Indeed, he might just think such an “identity” is way off the reservation.

Those wondering what “genderf**k” is can consult the Trans Language Primer, which helpfully provides this definition:

Someone who intentionally plays with gendered expectations; the intentional crossing, mixing, and blending of gender-specific signals. Drag performers may or may not also identify as genderf**ks. Genderf**k people may or may not transition physically, legally, or socially. Categorically, genderf**k people are considered under the gender non-conforming and trans+ umbrellas but may or may not identify with those terms individually. Those decisions are based on their understanding of their relationship with gender and their access to transitioning within their culture.

As “sexual orientation” goes, the following choices are available:

  • BDSM/Kink
  • Bisexual
  • Demisexual
  • Dyke
  • Faggot
  • Gay
  • Lesbian
  • Non-monogamous
  • Pansexual
  • Polyamorous
  • Queer
  • Same-Gender Loving
  • Skoliosexual

A “skoliosexual” is, we are told, a person attracted to “non-binaries” or “transgenders.

But all the terms actually mean the same thing: “I need a check up from the neck up.”

When the city will provide a guaranteed income to married, churchgoing, Christian couples who identify as “normal” and have children is unknown.

H/T: Daily Caller