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Shaun King
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Race hoaxer Shaun King is now famous for more than pushing lies on Twitter about whites who supposedly attacked or killed blacks, then deleting the tweets.

Now his name is in the news for looting his Grassroots Law Project of hundreds of thousands of dollars in wages.

A report on the financial shenanigans in The Daily Beast is the third major black eye for an outfit connected to the bigger ongoing hoax called Black Lives Matter. In early August, King landed in hot water for purchasing an expensive dog with Grassroots Law funds. In late August, a lawsuit accused a top BLM leader of purloining $10 million from the BLM Global Network.

The racial grievance business is booming.

The Allegations

The nut of the Beast’s report is that the outfit’s major project molded on the shelf while King and his gang fattened their bank accounts.

“Tax documents reveal that during the first year of its existence, a period that coincided with the largest racial justice protests in the nation’s history, the organization collected more than $6.67 million,” the Beast revealed:

Further, Federal Election Commission records also show that two political action committees tied to the controversial activist have poured close to half a million dollars into the organization.

The single largest expenditure the Grassroots Law Project made in its first year was $2,654,434, which the disclosures only state went “to bridge the gap between grassroots organizing and legal expertise to reform the American justice system.”

The outfit was supposed to launch “Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commissions,” leftist code for attacking cops and prosecutors who jail black defendants. Those commissions were to be established in three cities: Boston, Philadelphia, and San Francisco. 

“But, more than two years on, the commissions’ online pages appear largely stagnant — much like the initiative itself,” the Beast continued:

The Boston district attorney’s office told The Daily Beast that its commission “unfortunately, did not get off the ground,” while the San Francisco D.A.’s office said its committee had yet to hold a single meeting. Philadelphia D.A. Larry Krasner — whose exceedingly close political ties to King and one of his PACs have gotten him slapped with thousands of dollars in campaign finance violation fees — did not respond to questions about the commission’s status that were left with his office and on his personal cellphone. In a statement to The Daily Beast, the Grassroots Law Project’s representatives blamed the distractions of Krasner’s re-election bid and Philadelphia’s recent crime wave for the apparent failure to make headway on the project.

The project also blamed the China Virus pandemic for the failure to establish the commissions.

But the Asiatic bug didn’t stop King from lining his pockets, the Beast reported.

Though he earned $104,167 in the group’s first year, 2020, “his compensation has since swelled to a quarter-million a year — or, around twice the median compensation for nonprofit executives. The organization’s representatives maintained this income was lower than some other groups with a criminal justice mission.”

But that isn’t all:

The documents also show the nonprofit paid $135,486 to the Social Practice, a consulting firm that handles the group’s financials and which is based out of a box in the same San Francisco mail drop as the Grassroots Law Project itself. The Daily Beast previously reported that the Social Practice was also on the payroll of Krasner’s D.A. campaign at the same time the prosecutor got in trouble with Philadelphia authorities for coordinating with King’s PAC and failing to report it.

As The Daily Beast also previously reported, the Social Practice’s co-founder Becky Bond serves as treasurer of that exact same PAC — called the Real Justice PAC — which she co-founded with King. Bond and future Grassroots Law Project co-founder Lee Merritt were also part of the “financial review board” that produced a 2019 report apparently intended to address questions about the fate of millions of dollars King had raised for various social justice causes.

Public records and materials the groups divulged show that entities associated with two other members of the “team of experts in justice reform, law, finance, and compliance” — a nonprofit founded by activist Tamika Mallory and the law firm of attorney David Mitrani — have received regular disbursements of cash from the Grassroots Law Project or the PACs.

Mallory’s group said it only received donations from the Project in the period between March and August 2021, while campaign finance filings show payments to Mitrani’s firm continued through May of this year.

According to the panel’s report, King himself received monthly payments via the Social Practice at the time, though representatives for the Grassroots Law Project maintained that those disbursements have long since stopped.

The most recent records available show that, to date, the Social Practice has received a combined $940,812.20 from the Grassroots Law Project, the Real Justice PAC, and the Grassroots Law PAC, a third King-founded committee where Bond now serves as treasurer.

The groups’ representatives insisted Bond and King were uniquely qualified for these roles, and deserving of their compensation. 

False Charges

Possible financial impropriety aside, King has never been punished for tweeting lies about crimes supposedly committed by whites against blacks. 

When a seven-year-old black girl died in a drive-by shooting in 2018, King irresponsibly tweeted that a white man was the shooter.

“A 40 y/o white man w/ a beard in a red pickup truck pulled up on 7 y/o Jazmine Barnes and her family near a Houston @Walmart and shot and killed her and injured others,” he tweeted with a photo of his target. “I am joining the search for her killer and have a $25,000 reward. Need him NOW.”

King also tweeted that “he is a racist, violent a****** and always has been. Just tell me everything you know.”

In fact, two black men were convicted of the shooting.

King also spread the lie that a white state trooper in Texas raped a black woman he arrested for drunk driving. Body camera footage showed that nothing of the kind happened.

One more King scandal is his recent purchase of a $40,000 dog with Law Project money.

Another sign that BLM activists can’t keep their hands out of the till is a lawsuit filed against BLM honcho Shalomyah Bowers that accuses him of stealing $10 million from the BLM Global Network.

BLM leaders are quite fond of real estate, and have purchased multiple properties with their massive BLM salaries.