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Jen Psaki
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Biden administration press chief Jen Psaki has warned Republican-controlled states they had better not try to stop “transgender” kids from harming themselves psychologically, or even mutilating themselves physically.

Ending her typically worthless opening comments yesterday, Psaki fired upon states such as Alabama that are passing laws to stop doctors reinforcing the false belief a kid might be “trans.” Part of reinforcing that falsehood is prescribing “treatment.” That includes anything from “affirming” the child’s true “gender,” to prescribing puberty blockers, and then, horrifyingly enough, to performing irreversible surgeries.

On March 31, the Justice Department threatened states with legal action if they try to protect kids from groomers and demented doctors like Richard “Rachel” Levine. Levine is the man-lady President Biden picked to be the country’s No. 2 health official.

On March 2, the Department of Health and Human Services published “guidances” for the “support and protection for LGBTQI+ children and youth.”

Psaki Threat 

Headed to MSNBC, Psaki attacked “a disturbing, cynical trend of attacking vulnerable transgender kids for purely partisan, political reasons.”

“Transgender” is, of course, a nonsense word invented by the radical Left to create another class of people who could then demand “rights.”

Psaki was particularly exercised that “Republican lawmakers are currently debating legislation that, among many things, would target trans youth with tactics that threaten to put pediatricians in prison if they provide medically necessary, lifesaving healthcare for the kids they serve.”

Psaki said a new law in Texas rightly calls “treatment” for “trans” kids abuse a way “to harass and intimidate the LGBTQI+ community,” while a new law in Alabama “will only serve to harm kids.”

Then came the warning: 

But Alabama’s lawmakers and other legislators who are contemplating these discriminar- — discriminatory bills have been put on notice by the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services that laws and policies preventing care that healthcare professionals recommend for transgender minors may violate the Constitution and federal law.

To be clear, every major medical association agrees that gender-affirming healthcare for transgender kids is a best practice and potentially lifesaving.


Psaki was referring to a letter from Kristen Clarke, Biden’s black supremacist assistant secretary for civil rights at DOJ.

“Intentionally erecting discriminatory barriers to prevent individuals from receiving gender-affirming care implicates a number of federal legal guarantees,” Clarke wrote:

State laws and policies that prevent parents or guardians from following the advice of a healthcare professional regarding what may be medically necessary or otherwise appropriate care for transgender minors may infringe on rights protected by both the Equal Protection and the Due Process Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Again, “transgender” is a nonsense word; “transgenders” do not exist.

That aside, Clarke cited federal statutes to say that states could not protect children from crazy parents and doctors who would permit and even encourage cross-dressing, or, worse, “transitioning” with hormones and “gender reassignment” surgery.

• Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act14 protects the civil rights of people — including  transgender youth — seeking nondiscriminatory access to healthcare in a range of health programs and activities. Categorically refusing to provide treatment to a person based on their gender identity, for example, may constitute prohibited discrimination.… As the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has stated, restricting an individual’s ability to receive medically necessary care, including gender-affirming care, from their health care providers solely on the basis of their sex assigned at birth or their gender identity may also violate Section 1557.

• Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination, including sex-based harassment, by recipients of federal financial assistance.… Policies and practices that deny, limit, or interfere with access to the recipient’s education program or activity because students are transgender minors receiving gender-affirming care may constitute discrimination on the basis of sex in violation of Title IX.

• The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 prohibits sex discrimination in certain law enforcement programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. If a law enforcement agency takes a transgender minor who is receiving gender-affirming care into custody or arrests the child’s parents on suspicion of child abuse … that agency may be violating the statute’s nondiscrimination provision.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 protects people with disabilities, which can include individuals who experience gender dysphoria. 

As for HHS, its guidance runs along the same lines. “Denials of health care based on gender identity are illegal, as is restricting doctors and health care providers from providing care because of a patient’s gender identity,” one guidance claims.

Texas and Alabama Law

At issue are laws such as those in Texas and Alabama, that, again, protect kids from nutty parents and greedy doctors out to make a fast buck.

In Texas, Governor Greg Abbott ordered parents who permit kids to “transition” to be investigated for child abuse. Abbott acted after Attorney General Ken Paxton declared that “gender-affirming” treatment could be considered child abuse.

A leftist judge in the state ruled that Abbott’s order is unconstitutional.

Alabama passed a law banning “gender-affirming care” to protect kids. The communist American Civil Liberties Union has already promised to sue.

H/T: Trending Politics