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A “trans woman” blogger who advocates the legalization of sex with minors works with a pro-pedophile group that is linked to myriad universities.

The man who pretends he is a woman is Cali Miller, who uses the name Katie Cruz. He’s “working behind the scenes,” he says, with B4U-ACT, which wants pedophilia treated as another “sexual orientation.”

The Reduxx report that exposed Cruz and B4U-ACT is disturbing for what it revealed not only about Miller but also the pro-pedo group, which has infiltrated major universities such as Cornell and Johns Hopkins.

More MAP Nonsense

Cruz is yet another of the disturbed individuals who want to normalize the bogus term “MAP” — Minor-Attracted Person — a code-word that pedos use “to reduce stigma against individuals who seek to sexually abuse children,” as Reduxx put it:

It was coined by the co-founder of B4U-ACT, convicted child rapist Michael Melsheimer. Melsheimer explicitly stated that the purpose of the organization was to normalize pedophilia where the National Association of Man-Boy Love (NAMBLA) had failed to do so.

One key takeaway from the Reduxx report: Don’t let your kids around Cruz.

“On Patreon, Cruz has stated that his ‘age of attraction’ is between 9 and 13 years old. He also claims to identify as having a ‘trans age’ of between ‘13 and 17ish,’” Reduxx reported.

Calling himself  “A MAP in Love,” the website continued, Cruz has said he is “hopelessly in love with little girls” and has “radical ideas of legalizing relationships between adults and tween girls”:

“I’ve known for a long time that I was a girl-lover. I’ve always found young girls to be desirable, on an emotional and physical level,” Cruz wrote in 2019. He described how, in 2007, “in the midst of lonely turmoil,” he discovered pro-pedophile advocacy and communities online.

“I read through their heartfelt messages about how much they love and care about little girls. What they were writing was exactly how I felt. And what they preached never changed. They all truly love little girls, just as I do,” Cruz said.

He also claims that advocating for fellow self-identified ‘MAPs’ is his mission in life.

“Every time I help another MAP, I’m so fulfilled. I finally found my purpose in life. I’m still on this MAP journey, myself. Still learning. I believe I can take this experience, and use it for good in this world. The MAP community is where I belong. And helping people with this orientation is my ministry.”

Cruz also wrote a piece called “Our Stonewall is Coming.” The title refers to the infamous Stonewall Rebellion, a homosexual riot on June 28, 1969 outside the Stonewall Inn, a Mafia-controlled homosexual bar in Greenwich Village, New York City. Cops raided the bar because it was serving liquor without a license. That detonated what the New York Daily News’s Jerry Lisker called a “gay atomic bomb.”

Thus did Cruz predict “violence until we get to breaking point as a nation.” And, he wrote, “it’ll be up to us as MAPs to help shape the narrative.”

Like so many “transgenders,” Cruz claims he was born with the wrong anatomy, “raised as the wrong gender” and “forced to go through the wrong puberty,” Reduxx reported

More frightening still, “Cruz is active in multiple online pro-pedophile forums where participants discuss their ‘attraction’ to children. He is involved in communities that focus both on young girls, as well as young boys. One of the forums Cruz participates in is run by pedophile advocacy organization B4U-ACT.”

Indeed, Cruz wrote that he’s “involved in moderating the B4U-ACT forum.” He calls his work a “ministry.”


That outfit is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) with a slick website and a post office box address in Westminster, Maryland. The contact page does not list a street address. The “board chair” is one “Russell A. Dick.”

Calling itself “an alliance of therapists, researchers, and MAPs,” B4U-ACT’s “mission is to promote a science-informed understanding about people in our communities with an attraction to children or adolescents, and to support them living in truth and dignity.”

The website invites psychologists to join “our list of therapists.” Enlisting in the “MAP” cause requires the prospective member to “reflect the goals and principles fostered by B4U-ACT.” That means pretending sexual interest in nine-year-olds is normal.

“While former co-founder Melsheimer committed suicide in 2010, the co-founder and current head of B4U-ACT, Richard Kramer, who uses a pseudonym to conceal his identity, also has a long history of pro-pedophilia lobbying and has admitted to having a sexual attraction to boys,” Reduxx continued:

Prior to his involvement with B4U-ACT, Kramer operated a website called the Male Homosexual Attraction to Minors Information Center, which advocates favorably for what Kramer describes as “feelings of sexual attraction that some men have for underage boys.” 

The group wants pedophilia removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

As for the universities with which B4U-ACT is linked, “most recently, B4U-ACT partnered with a researcher at McGill University in Canada, who then conducted a survey aimed at gaining insight from ‘child lovers’ in online pedophile communities in an effort to attain data on ‘romantic attraction to children.’” 

But McGill, again, isn’t alone. Other universities are publishing pedo pseudoscience as well.

The group claims to have “played a role” in myriad studies, including these three:

2020-21: Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Mental Health. Purpose: “We are interested in learning about the mental health, self-esteem, and social support of individuals who are attracted to children.”

2016-2017: John Jay College, City University of New York. Purpose: “To investigate issues related to mental health, stigma, abstinence, and resilience among minor-attracted individuals. Results from this study are expected to contribute to the development of mental health treatment options for minor-attracted populations, so the goal is to understand the opinions and experiences of minor-attracted people directly.”

2015-2016: Cornell University, Department of Human Development. Purpose: “To study sexual and romantic development among minor-attracted persons, specifically in areas such as self-identification, disclosures, and sexual and romantic preferences, in a way that highlights and respects MAPs’ lives and experiences.”

That brain behind the “study” at John Jay College was one Allyn Walker, a pro-pedo academic forced to quit Old Dominion University in Virginia when he was exposed by Libs of TikTok.

In December, B4U-ACT advertised a “call for participants” for a study by two academics at the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group. Titled “sexual and romantic attraction to children: important child features and experience of falling in love,” the study invites pedos 18 years and older to answer survey questions about their sexual attraction to 14-year-olds and younger children.

An update last month says “minor-attracted people are still needed for this survey.”