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A recent survey reveals that 62 percent of Americans believe a person’s sex cannot be changed, marking a shift away from the modern transgender ideology.

The poll by Harvard’s Center for American Political Studies (CAPS) and Harris Insights and Analytics was conducted October 26-28 and surveyed 1,576 registered voters. Participants were asked, “Do you think that people should be able to choose their gender and pronouns or are someone’s gender and pronouns what they are born with?”

In total, less than 40 percent agreed with the statement that a person can change his sex. A resounding 62 percent of all voters said “people are born with their gender.”

This runs contrary to polls on transgenderism from Harvard/Harris in past years. In 2019, for example, they asked 1,295 registered voters, “Do you think that transgender people should be required to use the bathroom of their sex at birth or allowed to use the bathroom that best aligns with their gender identity and stated sex?”

In that survey, the respondents were evenly divided 50/50. This suggests public sentiment is moving away from support of the transgender agenda.

When the question is posed exclusively to Democrats, however, most members of the country’s left-wing party still support notions of chosen gender identity rather than biological sex. Per the new Harvard/Harris poll, 59 percent of Democrats agree with the claim that “People should be able to choose their gender.”

A second question from the same poll was even less favorable for the transgender ideology: Only 28 percent of respondents said there are “more than two genders.”

Transgender activists, after all, insist that humans are not limited to “male” and “female,” but can also be one of a variety of labels, including “agender,” “androgyne,” “bigender,” “demiboy,” and “demigender.”

Polling from the pro-transgender Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) also suggests support for transgenderism has gone down over the last couple of years.

For example, a 2018 PRRI poll claimed that 50 percent of Americans said they were okay with male transgenders playing in girls’ sports. But the recent August poll from the organization found that now, only 36 percent of Americans believe that.

The PRRI poll also showed a two-year, one-third drop in the number of people who believe there are genders other than male and female. In 2021, only 17 percent of Americans strongly believe there are multiple “genders,” down from 24 percent in a prior 2019 PRRI survey.

A statement from the American Principles Project, which is organizing state-level opposition to the transgender agenda, reads:

Glenn Youngkin’s victory [in Virginia’s election for governor] showed that voters, and especially parents, are waking up to the horrendous consequences of the woke left’s gender ideology, in particular the way that it threatens the privacy and safety of girls in school.…

It should be no surprise to see opinions shifting in polling on these issues as well.

The tide has appeared to turn against transgenderism in recent months. A number of states, such as Florida, have passed legislation to keep men out of women’s sports.

And in Virginia, which seemed to be on the fast track to becoming a fully blue state, the state supreme court recently sided with a teacher who had been suspended because he refused to use preferred pronouns and names to address “transgender students.”

The backlash against the transgender ideology comes as its advocates have become more brazen in their attempts to force it on all Americans and especially on children.

As The New American reported earlier this year, shows, videos and books are targeting children with pro-transgender messaging.

The book It Feels Good To Be Yourself: A Book About Gender Identity has found its way into public schools, including in the Los Angeles Unified School District, where it was promoted during Black History Month. Noah Grigni, the illustrator, is described as “a non-binary transgender illustrator, writer, and organizer.”

TNA’s Selwyn Duke argues against guiding children towards believing in the transgender/multi-gender ideology:

“As for ‘gender’ confused youth, note that upwards of 80 percent of girls and 90 percent of boys will outgrow the confusion if left to their own devices. What’s so tragic about seducing them further into the MUSS agenda is that, once there’s ‘medical’ intervention, they’re never going to be able to be themselves in a way they actually should be.”