Star Hobson (Facebook)
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The “war on blacks” narrative fueling the defund-the-police movement led, predictably, to higher murder rates, particularly in black neighborhoods. It’s an example of how identity politics kills. And now it has apparently done so again, claiming the life of a 16-month-old girl.

Little Star Hobson was being horrifically abused in her home in Keighley, England. Yet her great-grandparents’ warnings to authorities were dismissed as being motivated by dislike for the toddler’s lesbian, gypsy stepmother.

The Daily Mail summarizes the story:

  • Social services were called at least five times over the killer couple’s actions
  • But they believed lies from Frankie Smith, 20, and Savannah Brockhill, 28
  • Smith — Star’s mother — and Brockhill presided over reign of cruelty to the girl
  • They hoodwinked social workers her injuries were from clumsy accidents
  • During one visit Star was so dazed she walked into a sofa in view of social worker
  • Bradford City Council head of Children Services Mark Douglas has now resigned
  • A Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review will be published in the New Year

The Mail also reports that during an unannounced social worker visit on September 15, 2020, the toddler

had bruises on her face and shins but the Bradford City Council worker believed Brockhill’s explanation she’d fallen down the stairs.

In fact she was being ‘choke slammed’, swung by her leg and hit in the face by the twisted couple.

They referred to her as a ‘brat’ and forced her to stand facing the wall for long periods of time during their reign of cruelty.

In total two friends and three relatives — including Star’s own father — had reported them to social services but they were still allowed to keep her.

Star’s great grandfather David Fawcett, 61, said: ‘The lack of response from social services was unbelievable, [sic] they did nothing and we [were] dismissed as troublemakers who made the complaint because we didn’t like gypsies or same sex relationships.

Note that Brockhill had explained away the girl’s bruises by telling Fawcett that all kids get them, yet little Star lived with Fawcett for a time and suffered none during that period.

There were other warnings and many more red flags. Nonetheless, social services closed the case on September 15 of this year, and then, the Mail also tells us, a

week later Star was murdered and found with fractures to her shin, ribs and skull.

She had also suffered lacerations to a vein carrying blood between her leg and organs which leaked into her abdominal cavity.

Prosecutor Alistair MacDonald QC said the injuries had been caused by a severe and forceful blow or blows, ‘either in the form of punching, stamping or kicking to the abdomen’.

Smith and Brockhill waited 15 minutes after the incident where Star was injured before calling 999.

In that period they searched online for ‘How to bring a baby out of shock.’

This isn’t the first time British authorities apparently let political correctness deter them from tackling crime. Most shamefully and notoriously, UK officials in Rotherham ignored a Muslim child-trafficking ring — and the beating, terrorizing, and sexual abuse of native British girls — for 16 years for fear of being called “racist.”

It’s also not the first time lesbian guardians have killed children. For example:

• Five-year-old Lucio Dupuy was murdered last month by Magdalena Espósito Valiente and her girlfriend, 27-year-old Abigail Paez, in Argentina.

• In Scotland in 2014, two-year-old Liam Fee died when his heart ruptured from blows to his chest delivered by “Rachel and Nyomi Fee.” The women routinely tortured Liam and two other boys under their care in various ways, including “imprisoning them in a makeshift cage at their home, forcing them to eat dog excrement and vomit and tying them naked to a chair throughout the night near snakes and rats,” reported the Mirror in 2016.

• Three-year-old Serenity Richardson was beaten to death in South Carolina in 2009 by caretakers Erica Mae Butts and Shanita Latrice Cunningham.

• Two years ago in Brazil, Rosana Cândido, abetted by her “lover,” Kacyla Pessoa, tore off her nine-year-old son’s phallus “before beheading him because he reminded her of her dad,” wrote The Sun. The pair stabbed the boy, Rhuan Candido, “over a dozen times and removed all the skin from his face before butchering his body,” the paper continued.

In fairness, heterosexual couples may abuse and murder children, too. But the question is: Is the rate the same? Good luck finding the truth on the Internet with GoogTwitFace in charge.

One clue can perhaps be found in domestic violence statistics, which should be correlative. As to this, I remember reading years ago that while 11 percent of heterosexual couples reported inter-relationship violence, 54 percent of lesbian pairs did. But good luck finding this information on the Web now, too; it appears to have been buried.

I could find this source, which related studies showing that lesbians do suffer the highest rate of “partner” victimization (43.8 percent) next to bisexual women.

None of this is surprising, as I also once read a psychological survey finding that the feeling lesbians said most defined them was anger.

Then there’s this: AlterNet reported in 2015 that according to OkCupid data, “the attributes lesbians used to describe themselves most often were artsy, adventurous, kinky, and almost half said they were ‘into drugs.’”

“In addition to drugs, lesbians and bisexuals tend to drink more alcohol than straight women,” the site later added.

The question is, however, was any of this relevant to the Star Hobson case? You decide: The social workers had to judge who was telling the truth, the great-grandparents or the same-sex pair. When doing this, you exercise discernment or, to use a criminal-justice term, engage in “profiling.”

But your discernment can only be as good as your grasp of reality, of man’s nature, of characteristic group differences. The more misconceptions you fall victim to, the worse your discernment will be. It’s just as when feeding a computer bad data: Garbage in, garbage out.

Now, the Bradford City social workers apparently might have profiled Hobson’s great-grandparents as being, since they’re elderly white people, “intolerant bigots.” But is it possible, at all, that their judgment might have been different had they not been imbued with political correctness? Could this have saved the life of beautiful little Star?

Again, you decide.