Kamala Cancels God and Life in Declaration of Independence
Kamala Harris

Forgetting the Declaration of Independence’s words while campaigning in 2020, Joe Biden famously said that all “men and women [sic] created by — you know, you know, the thing.” Now Kamala Harris has quoted the Declaration, too, and perhaps knows the “thing” but doesn’t want to say the thing.

That is, while giving a Sunday speech in Tallahassee, Florida, marking the 50th anniversary of the now-overturned, unconstitutional Roe v. Wade opinion, Harris cited the rights mentioned in the founding document but omitted the very first one: life.

Moreover, while she did say that we are “endowed” with certain rights, she neglected to mention the endower: God. And many find this just too convenient to have been a Biden dotard moment, as mentioning a right to life and the Creator of life wouldn’t exactly have buttressed the pro-prenatal infanticide appeal she was issuing.

Harris’s glaring omissions occurred at the beginning of her remarks. After she stated that “we collectively believe and know America is a promise — a promise of freedom and liberty — not for some, but for all,” she added:

“A promise we made in the Declaration of Independence [states] that we are each endowed with the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

The Declaration’s actual text reads: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

The first right is a prerequisite, too. After all, there can’t be any liberty or pursuit of anything if there’s no life in the first place. Related to this, Harris preceded the above remarks with more than a touch of irony. Mentioning how she and others were “mourning” the “senseless gun violence” that took place in Monterey Park, California, on Saturday, she passionately said that “this violence must stop” — in a speech advocating violence in the womb. But Harris, who is often mocked for being inane and incoherent, was mainly, and roundly, criticized for her life omission.

Get a Life, Kamala

As to this, Representative Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.), no stranger to the world’s slings and arrows herself, wrote Monday in response to Harris:

Fellow Colorado Republican representative Ken Buck opined similarly the next day:

Commentator Catherine Hadro weighed in, too, tweeting:

Then, some “said the omission exposed her argument as weak,” reported Fox News.

“‘When you have to omit entirely one of the most integral parts of the Declaration of Independence in attempts to further your argument, said argument is immediately and objectively powerless,’ the Senate Working Group’s Leslie Ann Robertson said,” the site continued.

“‘This point is obvious but when the “right to life” blows up your message so bad you have to pretend it doesn’t exist then maybe your message isn’t very good,’ GOP operative Matt Whitlock said,” Fox also informs.

What does exist, though, at least in the world according to Kamala, is a right to kill. In her Sunday speech, she used the term right(s) 16 times, and 10 of those instances related to prenatal infanticide. She spoke of how “50 years ago today,” activists “won a fight in the United States Supreme Court to recognize the fundamental constitutional right of a woman to make decisions about her own body — not the government.”

How this can be squared with government compelling women to take a largely untested “vaccine,” Harris did not explain.

Harris continued in that vein, talking-point style, speaking of how Americans for nearly 50 years “relied on the rights that Roe protected,” how “last June, the United States Supreme Court took away that constitutional right — a fundamental right, a basic freedom,” and how Congress “must pass a bill that … protects reproductive rights.” She even channeled climate-con kid Greta Thunberg at one point, saying of those who’d defend the unborn, “How dare they? How dare they?!”

For those interested (and with strong stomachs), Harris’s entire speech is below.

Of course, Harris doesn’t mean a word of this. Remember that this is the woman who, when asked by The Late Show host Stephen Colbert how she went from essentially calling Biden a racist and sex abuser to being BFF with him, replied while cackling, “It was a debate!…It was a debate!” In other words, “Don’t you know, idiot, that I’m just in this for the power? It’s all Kabuki theater.”

Perhaps as much as any other politician, Harris is the very embodiment of power lust. She doesn’t care about unborn babies or about mothers, either — or anyone’s “rights.” She wants power for power’s sake.

But for a reminder of what Harris is indifferent to, in worldly gain’s name, you can watch an interview (video below) with three women who are sincere — three ex-abortion center workers. The testimony of one of them, Deborah Edge, was particularly heart-wrenching.

“I remember — I-I-I have a visual, all the time I always remember this; it’s very disturbing to me,” she said, describing what transpired during certain abortions. “He [the abortionist] would hold the fetus by the feet and kinda’ pull down and insert the, the claws; and when he would squeeze them, you can see that, that baby’s toes spread open [reacting to the pain].” (This portion begins at 8:58.)

Of course, all this violence, claiming more than 600,000 lives a year, is done without guns — and also, Kamala Harris should note, without God and respect for life.