“It’s EVERYWHERE”: Trump Town’s Library Contains HUNDREDS of LGBTQ+ Books
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“We’ll convert your children … and you will barely notice it,” sang the San Francisco Gay Men’s choir a while back. In thus proclaiming, the singers weren’t prognosticators as much as chroniclers, and the latest example of our longstanding, minor-targeting Sexual Devolution comes out of the all-American town of Gillette, Wyoming.

It is there — in the midst of a county where 86.76 percent of residents voted for President Trump — that the public library “circulated LGBTQIAP+ propaganda,” relates local activist Kevin Bennett, who has been on the ground in Gillette gathering information. June 2021’s “Rainbow Month” at the facility, the Campbell County Public Library (CCPL], included pro-LGBTQIAP+ materials aimed at teens,” he continues, further stating that this was visibly promoted in a special basement “teen section.”

Moreover, local resident and citizen activist Susan Sisti told The New American that the CCPL offers 180 sexual devolutionary (“LGBTQ+”) books in the library and 98 works on the Made-up Sexual Status (MUSS or “transgender”) agenda. She also stated that, according to her research, the CCPL has nine MUSS books in its “Easy Reader” category — which is geared toward children in approximately the kindergarten to first grade age range.

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What’s more, a MUSS magician going by the name “Mikayla Oz” was scheduled to perform for young children at the CCPL and the county’s Wright Branch Library on, respectively, July 14 and 15. Both shows were canceled due to local community pressure.

Unfortunately, the sexual devolutionary agenda’s presence in schools and libraries isn’t unusual today. Why, as an activist I spoke to about the CCPL situation lamented, if it’s in Gillette, “it’s everywhere.”

But it won’t be in Gillette for long — if Susan Sisti can help it. She told me that not only will she and her comrades in culture-war arms continue combating the CCPL’s sexualization of children, but they’re also demanding the termination of the library’s director, Terri Lesley, and four of its board members: Charlie Anderson, Nancy Stovall, Miranda Finn, and Hollie Stewart.

As of now, however, the sexual devolutionary agenda remains in place in Gillette. According to Sisti, among the youth books the library stocks are:

  • Gay Bar: Why We Went Out
  • A Quick & Easy Guide To Queer & Trans Identities
  • All Out: The No-Longer Secret Stories of Queer Teens throughout the Ages
  • None of the Above                         
  • Music From Another World                        
  • It Feels Good to Be Yourself: A Book About Gender Identity
  • Julian is a Mermaid
  • An ABC of Equality

Moreover, the CCPL states itself on a teen-oriented page dated June 18, “June is Pride month and also Rainbow Book Month. Rainbow Book Month is a celebration of authors and writings that represent the lives and experiences of the LGBTQIA+ community and has been celebrated by the American Library Association (ALA) since 2015.”

Then, perhaps feeling a need to justify themselves, CCPL staff states, “Libraries include LGBTQIA+ resources in collections because libraries represent the communities they serve.” My, one wonders if they also stock Nazi and pedophilic material since it’s entirely possible that there are some people in their community thus disposed. Don’t forget the white supremacist literature, either — according the Joe Biden and the Establishment, white supremacists are everywhere.

As for magician Mikayla Oz, Sisti and Bennett both stated that residents didn’t even know the MUSS performer was going to appear in Gillette until after attending a Campbell County Commissioners’ board meeting on July 7th.

In fact, residents weren’t told about it by library officials but discovered it on their own. In fairness, though, Oz’s performances are nothing like a “Drag Queen Story Hour,” but appear to be fairly standard magic shows; moreover, he does perform the trick of masquerading as the opposite sex remarkably well (except that he states he’s 6’2”).

One problem, however, is that as seems par for the course today, Oz insisted on “coming out” and made videos discussing his MUSS. This always changes the equation. It’s as with the difference between a man who discreetly runs around with various loose women and one who proudly announces his Casanova status: As soon as you proclaim something — and especially when you proclaim it as defining you — you become a representative for that belief or behavior.

This relates to the technique, mind you, Hollywood has long used to promote the Sexual Devolution. First create a likeable character that people will start to bond with and have him represent a stigmatized behavior you wish to normalize. Then, because people have difficultly hating the sin but loving the sinner — they too often either like both or hate both — they will start accepting the behavior they associate with their beloved character.

This is relevant here because Oz actually seems likeable and puts on, it appears, a nice show. And children will have more trouble loving the sinner but hating the sin than adults do.

(This said, given that a MUSS status is a selling point today, especially in liberal areas, I don’t think Oz will want for business.)

Likeable or not, Oz’s Gillette appearances were nixed. The performer and various media, such as Newsweek, claim this was due to threats made against him and CCPL staff.

Of course, there’s one in every bunch, as is said, so threats could have been made by someone. But Bennett stresses that when citizens met to discuss protesting on July 11 and thereafter, lawful, peaceful demonstration was emphasized.

Yet threats and illegality certainly came the citizens’ way. Scott Clem, a former Wyoming state representative and now pastor of Gillette’s Central Baptist Church, who also opposed the CCPL’s sexualization of children, had his church vandalized with sexual devolutionary graffiti. He also was asked, rhetorically, reports Bennett, “Do we need to start sending you death threats as well?”

The sexual devolutionaries will have far more to be mad about, too, if Sisti and her fellows succeed in ousting the aforementioned library officials. And while this may seem harsh to some — conservatives are (in)famous for the line “Look, I don’t want to see anyone lose his job” — she’s actually showing us how it’s done.

Note here that when someone contravenes leftists’ agenda, they aren’t satisfied with an apology; they want the individual “cancelled.” And while leftists apply the wrong standard when pursuing their “accountability” goals, there is method to their madness.

I’ve pointed out many a time recently that if someone implements toxic social engineering, the main problem is not that he pushed something corruptive.

It’s that he’s the kind of person who would push something corruptive.

This won’t change just because you win the battle in question. If you leave the corruptor in place to fight another culture-war day, he’ll continue exercising his toxic influence in the future, albeit, perhaps, in a less obvious fashion. For he will always act in accordance with his character.

This is especially relevant, do remember, when people have the power to influence children. Tolerating them means toxifying the kids.  

(Special hat tip: Kevin Bennett, to whom I’m indebted for most of the information in the above piece.)