When CPS Kidnaps Children for Money

“If I have it my way, you’ll never see your mommy and daddy again.” These cruel words were reportedly uttered to eight-year-old Jaxon Adams by a Missouri doctor working closely with Child Protective Services. While we don’t know if this statement will prove prophetic, the fact is that some children will never see their parents again — or, at least, not for a very long time — because of CPS.

And it has been alleged that many of these youngsters are essentially kidnapped — for money.

The New American reported Thursday on the plight of Cleave and Erica May Rengo, a young Washington State couple whose three children were, many say, seized from them unjustly. And far from being alone, the Rengos have now joined a legion of parents whose kids have been abducted by the state.

But these are all abused children, correct? Virtually always. There is a question, however, as to who their abusers are. Is it the parents?

Or the state?

Or both?

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This clearly varies on a case by case basis, but there is one constant of which many are unaware:

Every time CPS seizes a child, it gets money from the federal government.

Lots of money.

And critics have warned that this has a corruptive effect. As New York Times best-selling author Dr. Joseph Mercola wrote in 2011:

[D]id you know that the money funneled to states and child protective services actually encourages them to accuse you of child abuse and even murder, and to take your children, even if you’re not guilty, and even though they have absolutely no proof that you harmed your child?

Horrendous as it sounds, it’s true: child abuse has become a business — an industry of sorts — that actually pays states to legally abduct your children and put them up for adoption!

Mercola then quotes a source informing about a California politician who pledged to expose this practice:

“Most people are not aware of how much profit many of these services provide the county,” John Van Doorn told a San Diego newspaper. “These profits are hard to ignore and even more difficult to pass up.”

Counties can bring in thousands of dollars in excess revenue for each child in foster care, Van Doorn said — which means they have more incentive to remove children from their families than to keep families intact. “As such … our county government is a major factor in the dismantling of families and/or destruction of children’s lives,” he said.

No one has to tell this to Michael Minkoff, a father who alleges that his children were unjustly taken by CPS. Likening many American local governments to the Chinese regime — which has been accused of stealing children to profit from selling them for adoption — he levels a serious charge: CPS standards for seizing children aren’t just governed by whether they’re abused, but also whether they’re “marketable.” He writes:

While we were in LA fighting to get our children back, a little black boy was beaten to death by his step-father. Neighbors had called CPS six times over the course of a few months. No one ever showed up.

Do you know how many calls it took for someone to show up and take our beautiful white baby twin girls? One call. And CPS took them on the basis of one person’s testimony. And we were assumed guilty from the start. Three months later, the case was dismissed and not a single claim was upheld, yet LA County got three months worth of Federal money out of our kids, and so far, they got it with impunity. In fact, if it hadn’t been for God’s grace and good lawyers, we might have been fighting for much longer to no avail.

While we can’t know if profit was the motivation in the earlier-mentioned Rengo children’s seizure, they certainly fit the profile of “adoptable” kids. They’re white, young (all under a year old), seem attractive and, except for some eczema suffered by the eldest, are apparently healthy.

And many would say Cleave and Erica May Rengo fit the profile of persecuted parents. Having home-birthed their last two children, being believing Christians, and preferring alternative medicine to the conventional variety, they likely wouldn’t have been in favor with notoriously liberal CPS social workers. And part of the justification for seizing their kids also raises suspicion: CPS viewed as neglect the Rengos’ refusal to treat their eldest child’s eczema with steroidal medication. Eczema is a skin condition that can cause itching but is not life-threatening, and the parents were treating it with natural remedies.

In contrast to the Rengo children, eight-year-old Jaxon Adams has been a sickly little boy, having been diagnosed with epilepsy and a number of food allergies, among other things. According to Terri LaPoint at MedicalKidnap.com, however, these health issues paled in comparison to what the Adamses would suffer at the hands of Dr. Amber Hoffman of Children’s Mercy Hospital and her CPS allies.

After being told by hospital doctors that Jaxon’s problems were all psychosomatic, his parents wanted a second opinion.

They were told they were “not allowed to do so,” reports LaPoint.

Furthermore, they were informed that they wouldn’t be allowed to change pediatricians, either.

The Adamses were being accused of abuse. To be precise, “medical abuse, medical neglect, lack of nutrition, lack of supervision … and psychological abuse,” wrote LaPoint. The lack of supervision charge was, LaPoint tells us, based on Jaxon’s falling off a scooter upon fainting and was issued even though his mother, Tiffany, was with him when the accident occurred.

LaPoint quotes a therapist who told Tiffany, after learning of the impending CPS child seizure, “I cannot believe this. You guys are GOOD parents.” And of the day (Sept. 17) CPS showed up to take Jaxon, LaPoint writes, “The investigator had tears in her eyes when she admitted that she did not want to take Jaxon, ‘but they’re making me.’ It came down to one statement, with no charges being filed, and CPS admitting that they had not reviewed the medical records. Dr. Hoffman had called CPS immediately after the meeting with the Adams[es] where they asked for a second opinion.”

But who were the real abusers? As LaPoint tells us about what transpired when Jaxon was taken to Children’s Mercy Hospital by CPS:

Dr. Hoffman came into the child’s room when he was crying his heart out missing his family. She told him to suck it up and stop crying. Her words that she told him were cruel beyond belief, as he later confided to his sister:

“If I have it my way, you’ll never see your mommy and daddy again.”

Because Jaxon tried to call his parents, the staff took the phone out of his hospital room.

A couple of times, he got out of his room heading for the stairwell, in a vain attempt to escape.

There were signs on his door saying, “Under CPS custody,” and “Parents Not Allowed In.” As his mother says, “He can read.”

And Jaxon’s and the Rengo children’s stories are just two of a multitude we can read at MedicalKidnap.com and elsewhere.

Of course, it’s said there are three sides to every story: his, hers, and the Truth. Moreover, a site such as MedicalKidnap.com obviously has a tacitly acknowledged bias (note that a “bias” isn’t by definition negative), and logic dictates that not every parent claiming CPS overreach has clean hands. But what of the CPS’s bias? And is it reasonable to believe it’s untainted by money when there’s so much of it to be had? As former Oregon prosecutor Robert Weidner put it on a 2008 edition of the show “On Second Thought”:

It’s a viper pit when you go into that courtroom…. And they pounce on you, and it’s all driven by money, all of the taking of the children that is going on right now…. They get $85,000 from the federal government every time they take one of those little ones and put them up for adoption. So everyone’s feeding off of this federal money that is coming in, and all they’re focused on is getting the money — they talk about keeping their numbers up.

How many good parents have found their number was up because of this mercenary motivation?


Related article:

Home-birthed Children Seized After Parents Refuse to Use Hospital