Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report Reveals Profitable Abortion Business

Planned Parenthood has released its Annual Report for 2009-2010, and predictably, the revelations about the abortion giant’s doings over that time frame paint a tragic picture. With a total budget of just over $1 billion, the “family planning” group was responsible for a total of 329,445 abortions, while making just 841 adoption referrals. That means there were 391 abortions for every adoption — a horrific ratio.

 Interestingly, the “non-profit,” which receives almost half (46 percent) of its annual budget from taxpayer dollars through government grants, contracts, and Medicaid payments, boasted an $18.5-million revenue “excess” during 2009-2010 — a handsome windfall for the abortion provider.

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The pro-life Susan B. Anthony List pointed out that by Planned Parenthood’s own tally, it served a total of three million people over the time frame of its report, meaning that 11 percent of its clients were on the receiving end of an abortion.

The pro-life watchdog’s president, Marjorie Dannenfelser, challenged, “With over a billion in net assets and a business model centered on abortion and government subsidies, it is time for Planned Parenthood to end its reliance on taxpayer dollars.”

During 2011 Planned Parenthood faced its most intense opposition yet from conservative state and federal legislators trying to derail the abortion provider from the government gravy train. All told, a total of nine states have passed legislation defunding the abortion provider to the tune of over $61.2 million dollars, albeit, not without a great deal of costly legal kicking and screaming from the non-profit killing machine.

Nonetheless, Dannenfelser noted, Planned Parenthood continues to barrel “full-steam ahead,” with the aggressive assistance of pro-abortion Democrats in Congress and a President committed to a continuation of unfettered abortion on demand. “They are unwilling to answer to the pro-life American majority that wants out of this business,” said Dannenfelser.

As reported by The New American, in October a Republican congressional panel led by Representative Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) demanded that Planned Parenthood hand over more than a decade’s worth of its documents in an investigation into whether the group is illegally using taxpayer money in its abortion business. In a letter to Planned Parenthood (PPFA) officials, Stearns explained that the panel had questions “about the policies in place and actions undertaken by PPFA and its affiliates relating to its use of federal funding and its compliance with federal restrictions on the funding of abortions.”

Reported The New American: “Stearns has asked Planned Parenthood to hand over 12 years of internal audits showing how much federal money it received and spent between 1998 and 2010. He is also asking for state Planned Parenthood audits from the past 20 years, along with an explanation of how ‘segregation between family planning and abortion services is accomplished,’ and how Planned Parenthood’s compliance to federal funding restrictions is guaranteed.”

While Planned Parenthood adamantly insists that abortion accounts for only three percent of its services, independent investigations by some pro-life groups have found that, in reality, abortion accounts for at least 38 percent of the group’s revenue.

For example, research by the group Americans United for Life found that, based on Planned Parenthood’s own numbers, abortion accounted for at least $114.9 million of the $404.9 million the group reported as income in 2008-09. According to AUL, abortion has made up a growing percentage of Planned Parenthood’s clinic income over the past decade: 32 percent in 2001, 33 percent in 2006, and 37 percent in 2009.

Noted AUL’s president Charmaine Yoest, “As the tax dollars going to Planned Parenthood doubled, so did the number of abortions it performed. It’s time for a public accounting for the funds.”

The Washington Times recalled that in February House Republicans voted via an amendment to defund Planned Parenthood, but the amendment was shot down in the Democrat-controlled Senate.