Trump: Battling Child Abuse Includes Protecting Pre-born Babies From Abortion

A few days ago President Trump declared April National Child Abuse Prevention Month, and as he did so he included one group of children who are often overlooked among the abused: pre-born babies.

“Every child is a precious and unique gift who deserves the security of a loving and nurturing home,” the president stated in his official declaration. “When supported by encouraging families and safe, strong communities, all children have the chance to reach their full potential and access the unlimited opportunities that our great nation has to offer. To realize this truth, we must dedicate ourselves to the noble cause of protecting and caring for our children.”

Trump emphasized the importance of remembering “that all children are blessings from our Creator. They are endowed from conception with value, purpose, and human dignity. They are a source of unmatched joy, and they represent our nation’s future. It is thus our civic and moral responsibility to help every child experience a childhood free from abuse and mistreatment, guiding them toward a future full of hope and promise.”

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National Child Abuse Prevention Month, said the president, “is an annual reminder that not every home is a haven of acceptance and unconditional love. Too often, childhood is marred with pain, violence, neglect, and abuse, which can have lifelong psychological, emotional, and physical consequences. At no fault of their own, some children are subjected to the most depraved forms of child abuse and neglect, without reprieve and, sometimes, without any knowledge that they are being maltreated.”

While past presidents have made similar proclamations on behalf of abused and neglected children, Trump is one of the few who has emphasized that children need to be valued and nurtured “from conception.” It is the second time this year that he has done so in an official proclamation. Earlier this year the president proclaimed January 22 as National Sanctity of Human Life Day, calling upon Americans to “focus our attention on the love and protection each person, born and unborn, deserves regardless of disability, gender, appearance, or ethnicity.”

He went on to note that reverence “for every human life, one of the values for which our Founding Fathers fought, defines the character of our nation. Today, it moves us to promote the health of pregnant mothers and their unborn children. It animates our concern for single moms; the elderly, the infirm, and the disabled; and orphan and foster children. It compels us to address the opioid epidemic and to bring aid to those who struggle with mental illness. It gives us the courage to stand up for the weak and the powerless. And it dispels the notion that our worth depends on the extent to which we are planned for or wanted.”

Similarly, in March of this year President Trump addressed the Washington, D.C. March for Life gathering via satellite, telling the pro-life participants that “every life is sacred,” and “every child is a precious gift from God.”

In his remarks to the pro-life faithful, the president said that 1973’s infamous Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision “has resulted in some of the most permissive abortion laws anywhere in the world,” noting that because of it, the United States is “one of only seven countries to allow elective late-term abortions, along with China, North Korea, and others. Right now, in a number of states, the laws allow a baby to be torn from his or her mother’s womb in the ninth month. It is wrong; it has to change.”

The president went on to promise that “under my administration, we will always defend the very first right in the Declaration of Independence, and that is the right to life.” noted that since taking office, Trump has won the overwhelming praise and support of the nation’s pro-life community. “His actions include a variety of pro-life judicial and administrative appointees, executive actions that include restoring the ban on overseas abortion funding and rolling back the ObamaCare abortifacient coverage mandate, and vocally supporting the pro-life cause by addressing the March for Life and endorsing the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.”

However, the news site, noted, “pro-lifers most recently expressed frustration with the president for signing a $1.3 trillion spending plan that continues giving Planned Parenthood more than $500 million per year. Trump argued that the need to fund the military left him with no choice, and insisted he would ‘never sign another bill like this again.’”

Notwithstanding this misstep, pro-life activists appear willing to stand firmly behind the president, with Troy Newman of Operation Rescue saying that Trump “has proven to be the most pro-life president we have had in modern history and has backed up his pro-life rhetoric with action like no other before him.”

Late last year, as his group named President Trump 2017’s “Pro-Life Person of the Year,” Newman declared that pro-lifers “are proud of President Trump and his bold willingness to advance the cause of life. There are more battles ahead, but under the Trump administration, we can now finally see progress within our government toward restoring the sanctity of life and the protections of personhood to the pre-born.”
