Report: “Transgenders” More Likely to Kill Than be Killed; Overrepresented Among Pedophiles

It’s fairly well known that “transgenders” have a very high suicide rate, especially after undergoing so-called sex reassignment surgery. But barely known, and contrary to modern myth, is that they’re also more likely to commit murder than to be murdered, according to a recent report. In fact, the report finds that Made-up Sexual Status (MUSS, or “trans”) individuals are actually less likely to be homicide victims than normal people are.

As wrote Monday, “A new report documents how a … [MUSS individual] in Colorado and a partner shot nine students at their school, then later claimed the victims deserved it for their ‘transphobia.’”

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“In Maine, a … [ MUSS individual] defended the murder of two parents because they failed to ‘accept’ the ‘transition.’”

“And in Maryland, a … [ MUSS individual] who also was a mass shooter killed three before using the gun for suicide,” the site continues.

In fact, while the MUSS movement’s “driving myth is that there is an epidemic of murders targeting them for their stated ‘identities,’” the report states, at, not mentioned is that not only are MUSS individuals “less likely to be victims of murder than … [normal] women (and far less than men), their small population is well represented among murderers … and pedophiles.”

“The Human Rights Committee, which meticulously tracks transgender deaths across the country, is conspicuously not tracking them when they commit crimes,” the report continues. “But in the UK, analysts found that during the period of … [2008]-2017,” the incidence of MUSS individuals committing murder was 71 percent greater than the incidence of them being murdered.

There’s a growing number of examples of the former, too. Adding to the three cases related by WND, the report writes that in “California, a Berkeley … [MUSS] activist was recently slapped on the wrist with a rarely granted insanity plea for stabbing two women, one to death,” while a MUSSman in Texas “beat a baby girl to death and is facing the death penalty.” points out that the true scope of MUSS individual violence is obscured because the mainstream media often omit mention of perpetrators’ MUSS “identity” unless doing so is unavoidable or serves sexual devolutionary ends. In fact, since the media’s common practice is to use MUSS individuals’ “preferred pronouns” (e.g., “she” to reference a man claiming womanhood), it sometimes can be hard discerning the actual sex of the individual in question, especially for a casual news reader.

Do note that the U.K. analysis the report cites is based on a low numbers of subjects, seven MUSS individuals in Britain who’ve been murdered versus 12 who’ve committed the crime during a 10-year period. But this is not surprising. MUSS individuals are a minuscule percentage of the population.

So perhaps more significant are FBI statistics the report relates. They show that “Americans are victims of homocide at a rate of about 5 per 100,000,” the report tells us. “For men, the number is 6.6 per 100,000 and for women, 1.8.”

Yet according to sexual devolutionary activist groups, 24 MUSS individuals were “killed in 2019 out of a population of 1.4 million, making their homicide rate 1.7 out of 100,000 — less likely to be killed than the average woman,” the report also informs.

The report correctly points out that this is especially striking given the high-risk lifestyles MUSS individuals tend to live, “and the fact that many of them are black men living in zones with murder rates far above the national average,” according to the report.

(That said, another possibility is that the MUSS population isn’t as high as the activists claim.)

“For example, 11% of transsexuals are involved in the risky world of prostitution, compared to 6% of average Americans,” the report continues.

As for the report’s MUSS/pedophilia claim, no source for it or data is provided. Relevant research is hard to find, too, but mixing and matching studies does provide some insight.

For example, ABC News reported in 2015 that at the end of 2001, approximately 6.8 percent of America’s state prison inmates “were male sex offenders who had committed a rape or sexual assault against a minor under age 18.” In contrast, the BBC informed last year that of 125 known MUSS inmates, 29, or 23.2 percent, were convicted of sexual offenses involving children/youth. Overall, almost half of the 125 were sex offenders.

Unfortunately, the politically incorrect nature of this inquiry makes research directly focused on the matter unlikely to be conducted (just try getting a government grant to study “the link between ‘transgenderism’ and homicidal instincts”). And many will quibble with the above analysis, especially given the U.K. study’s small sample size. The point, however, is that there appears to be no evidence supporting the narrative that MUSS individuals are more likely to be murdered, but some indication that they’re more likely to be murderers — and sex offenders. Moreover, when they are killed, it’s not usually because of their MUSS.

Anecdotally, my experience is that many MUSS individuals, especially those activism-minded, are quite hostile. After I editorialized against their agenda some years back, one commented that he wanted my “head on a platter.” Then there’s the 2015 Dr. Drew show incident (video below), in which MUSS reporter “Zoey Tur” threatened to send commentator Ben Shapiro “home in an ambulance” (not very ladylike, for sure).

Obviously, the reactions Shapiro and I experienced are due to the fact that these men are desperately trying to maintain a fragile rationalization — i.e., they’re actually women — that’s easily shattered, and no one likes having his bubble burst. But what would explain a MUSS-criminality link?

To be brief, a factor may be that “the Eye altering alters all,” as poet William Blake wrote. The mindset allowing for grand self-delusion can lead to more delusion, including moral delusion.

A simpler way to explain it, though, and something undeniably true, is that troubled people are more likely to get into trouble — and to cause it.

Photo: Prathaan/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Selwyn Duke (@SelwynDuke) has written for The New American for more than a decade. He has also written for The Hill, Observer, The American Conservative, WorldNetDaily, American Thinker, and many other print and online publications. In addition, he has contributed to college textbooks published by Gale-Cengage Learning, has appeared on television, and is a frequent guest on radio.